Monday, May 28, 2012

Picture of the Week #183 "Where The Sun Always Shines" Disneyland, Anaheim California 1974 / 2012
Signed and Stamped

Originally I took this photo of two Nuns, one wearing sun glasses the other wasn't, back in 1974. I did a painting of this image and sold it right away. It made people smile. Recently I happened on a smiling Nun in Rome and grabbed a shot of her coming towards me. I photoshopped her with the other two and added sun glasses. Voila ! Here you have it. Happiness reigns where the sun always shines.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Picture of the Week #182 "A Still Life" Coulaures, France 2012 Signed and Stamped

This is my great artist friend Simon Gale's out building in the Dordogne section of France. When we were staying with him and his fabulous wife and kids he happened to show me this room in one of his many out buildings. The way everything had it's place and the light, it immediately caught my eye. I grabbed my hip mounted point and shoot and this is the result. I especially love the red handles.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Picture of the Week #181 "The Conversation"

Picture of the Week #181 "The Conversation" Paris, France 2012 Signed and Stamped

Coming from the Apple store under the glass pyramid of the Louvre in Paris as we headed back to our left bank hotel, I spotted this unique image. Quickly snapping away to capture it for posterity. The white cloud hidden behind the crew cut topped trees and the one young couple deep in conversation captured my imagination.

Picture of the Week #180 "Street Urchins of Rome"

Picture of the Week #180 "Street Urchins of Rome" Rome, Italy 2012 Signed and Stamped

While in Rome in April I was turning a corner just by the Pantheon and there on the ground were these four Mime artists taking a break. As I never saw them performing, maybe this relaxed quartet were doing all that they were going to do. Their little beggar box was sitting in front of them waiting for donations. I found this picture funny, which goes along with my constant search of pictures with a sense of humor.

Picture of the Week #179 "Persistence of Time" Mougins, France 2012 Signed and Stamped

When staying with our friend Douglas Villiers in Mougins in the South of France I couldn't help but notice out our bedroom window the picturesque Church across the square. I started to just snap one picture of it at different times of the day. It reminded me of Monet's Cathedral at Rouen and the persistence of time, hence the title.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Picture of the Week # 178 "Zerba Zone" Masai Mara, Kenya 1997 / 2012 Signed and Stamped

The Zebra pictures were taken on our safari honeymoon. I'm not a landscape or nature photographer or plein air artist per se. I have always been more concerned with the human condition. But now years later I've manipulated what once was a boring image and hopefully created something very graphic and intriguing.

Picture of the Week #177 "Love Locked on the Seine" Paris, France 2012 Signed and Stamped

Walking through Paris we found this amazing event had transpired where lovers put their initials on locks and attached them to the grating on the bridge over the Seine. I am not sure when this happened but at least we got to see the installation. This is also the exact spot where Henri Cartier Bresson took his famous "Ile de la Cite" image in the fog back in 1952. His was in B&W while mine showed the clouds looming above.