Monday, December 30, 2013

Picture of the Week #266 "A Light in St. Peter's"

Picture of the Week #266 "A Light in St. Peters" Vatican, Rome, Italy 1990 Signed & Stamped

It wasn't until I made a print from the transparency that I noticed the flower growing at the base of the light. I don't remember seeing anything there when I was there. It still seems strange that this flower would grow in the middle of the famed Church's marble floor. But there was no manipulation I promise you. Look closely and you will see it. I thought this was a fitting image to end the year with. I hope everyone has a wonderful, healthy and successful New Year.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Picture of the Week #265 "Two gentlemen of Peking" Peking/Beijing, China 1980 Signed & Stamped

On my long ago visit to scout locations and work on the budget of what was supposed to be the first Chinese American co-Production motion picture, I came across these two gentlemen sitting in the Forbidden City. There was something so quietly elegant in their demeanor that I had to take their picture. Later I painted this image and that painting now is proudly displayed in my show business
attorney Eric Weissmann's home. I still feel something towards this image and the two men who have inhabited my memory all these 33 + years.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Picture of the Week #264 "Janet & Dicky Did It" Hong Kong, China 2007 Signed & Stamped

When I was in Hong Kong for some of my work being auctioned off I passed this car in front of my hotel that grabbed my eye. Adorable was my reaction and of course I grabbed the picture. I don't know if putting stuffed animals on cars is a wedding ritual in China, but I thought it was picture worthy to say the least.  I have no idea if Janet & Dicky are still together, but at least this memory is still going.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Picture of the Week # 263 "Two Sailboats Sailing" Santa Monica, California 2013 Signed & Stamped

On one of our walks by the Santa Monica Pier I looked out to see these two boats just floating in a minimalist sea. I swung my camera around and grabbed this shot before birds, boats, planes or anything else got in the frame. I sold two copies of this picture to a top interior designer as soon as I got home and emailed her. I only wish all my other pictures had such a quick and wonderful responses. So if you happen in to a "staged" house, this picture could quite possibly be hanging there.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Picture of the Week # 262 "Dry Wet Suit" Paris, France 2011 Signed & Stamped

Walking along the Quai on a wonderful afternoon I looked down and spotted this wet suit hanging over the side. At first I thought it was some creature from the black lagoon. I snapped my picture and continued our leisurely stroll through the city that brings me so much joy. I consider Paris and the south of France our second home. Maybe one day it will our first home, but for now we're still happy in Bel Air.

Friday, November 29, 2013

 R I P "Olivia" You are so loved and missed.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

                      Picture of the Week #261 "A farewell to R. J."  Bel Air, California 2013


I'm deviating from my usual picture of the week to post this short slide show. Our neighbor & friend Robert,  R. J. "Bob" Bandler was killed by the police last Sunday November 17th 2013. Bob was a tormented soul. He was also an alcoholic. We were awoken at 3:13 in the morning by a single gun shot. And soon learned Bob was dead. This is my tribute to this misunderstood soul who I have known for 38 years. He was the talk of the neighborhood and to many was known as "Crazy Bob". But not to me or my wife Ann. He was just Bob. 

Monday, November 18, 2013

Picture of the Week #260 "Monte Carlo Zoom" Monte Carlo, Monaco 1981 Signed & Stamped

The major drawback to photography is lack of sound. The roar of the engines and the whirring and screeching of tires and the cheer of the crowd are exhilarating. But when you see this photo you don't realize the excitement that is rampant in the air. Here was a hot but magnificent sun drenched day on the Riviera and yet it almost looks like a slow parade of fast cars nonchalantly going down the track. When in fact there was so much more. An event that must be experienced at least once in a life time.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Picture of the Week #259 "Bride & Groom" Tokyo, Japan 1989 Signed & Stamped

No, I am not a wedding photographer. Although I have taken pictures at weddings, but only for myself. when I had a Museum show in Tokyo during the Harajuku Arts festival I happen to pass a banquet room in the Okura Hotel where I was staying. A wedding was about to begin. I leaned in and they motioned for me to enter and to feel free to take pictures. I did. At first the couple were smiling and nodding their heads joyously. But the longer I stayed there the less they smiled. Finally when their faces were beginning to show the frustration of me not leaving I got this shot. I photoshopped them in to the overcast garden because I loved the color and the feeling. I also painted them but with the room as a background. Only yesterday I put the interior and exterior together to make this image.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Picture of the Week #258 " Under the Blue Eiffel Tower" Paris, France 2009 Signed & Stamped

Standing under one of the most iconic monuments and watching the color change is truly riveting. After visiting friends whose apartment feels like it is right under the tower I looked up to see this vision. I have taken countless pictures of the tower but few as mesmerizing as this. I have been told that the government lets artists create light shows and this was one of many. I have posted previously other interpretations, but this is one of my favorites.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Picture of the Week #257 "White Whisper" Venice, Italy 2011 Signed and Stamped

This is a manipulated image from my "Carnivale Candy" series. I was torn between showing it with or without a black border. I love the cleanliness of the image, but at the same time I wanted to hold it together with the border. I opened my Stone Canyon Gallery in Culver City with this Carnivale show that showcases many life size cut outs as well as photographs in varying sizes. I am trying to be a good merchandiser and to cover all price points with the work. We're at 4130 Sepulveda Blvd Suite A in Culver City California. As I get antsy I leave for lunch or just go home as I'm not used to keeping regular retail hours. So call first. 310 866-7387 to make sure I am there.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Picture of the Week #256 "Crossing the Street"  Dordogne, France 1991 Signed & Stamped

I'm getting forgetful. I can't recall exactly when I took this, only that I was living in the Dordogne area of France. I don't remember if it was after I met my wife Ann or before. My gut tells me that it was before, but I can't pin point the exact year. I believe it was about 1991 right before I returned to America and met the love in my life. The image also brings back memories of Riberac, the small town where I rented a charming place for 3 months. It was here that I eventually saw the Tour de France up close. And fell madly in love with this little trespassed part of France. It's since been discovered much to my dismay. But images like this bring back lovely memories of that wonderful summer.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Picture of the Week #255 "Stairs"  Paris, France 2013 Signed & Stamped

While visiting the Grand Palais video show titled "Dynamo" I looked down to see this graphic shot just waiting to be taken. Click. I got it and a few alternatives. One even had a couple kissing on the top of the stairs, but I am going with this one as I prefer the dynamics of the sculpture hanging down to the figure descending the stairs. There is something almost ominous waiting to happen.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Picture of the Week #254 "Window Replacement" Rome, Italy 2013 Signed & Stamped

One of those moments when I happen to be walking down a quiet street in Rome when suddenly there was this window being replaced. I was quick enough to capture the action. I love the guy who is watching the installers. One of those decisive moments as Henri Cartier-Bresson would say.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Picture of the Week #253 "Salute" Vatican City, Rome, Italy 2009 Signed & Stamped

From my exclusive invitational trip too the Vatican to hear Pope Benedicte's Address to Artists. As I passed this Vatican Soldier, he abruptly saluted me. I was at a loss  as to how to respond, so I nodded my head in gratitude and proceeded into the Sistine Chapel for an experience that will last a lifetime.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Picture of the Week #252 "Subway Girls B&W" Tokyo, Japan 1989 Signed & Stamped
    & Bonus Picture "Community Chest Girls" Tokyo, Japan 1989 Signed & Stamped

I had conflicting thoughts when I went to post this morning's Picture of the Week. I couldn't decide between the action or the innocence of these different girls. I loved the playfulness of the girls romping about the subway station at the same time the shyness and demeanor of the charity volunteers totally grabbed my attention by their body language. Then I thought why not post both, so here they are. You decide.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Picture of the Week  #251 "Sleeping In the TV" Zagreb, Croatia 2013 Signed & Stamped

Visiting the Museum of Modern Art in Zagreb, I came across this installation of three TV Monitors with a man lying inside. It immediately grabbed my attention. I realized that part of him was filmed and placed in each monitor and then the monitors were placed side by side giving the impression that he is inside all three at once. Obviously this wasn't the case. At least that is my theory. I wish I remembered who the artist was.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Picture of the Week #250 "A Walk in the Spring Rain"  Zagreb, Croatia 2013 Signed & Stamped

At the right moment there he was walking in the drizzle. I was going to call this "Ready Wear Rainwear" but chose this more poetic title. We loved Zagreb and from what little we saw of Croatia only inspired us to plan another trip back there. The food and the art were outstanding and the prices were very low in comparison to the South of France or Northern Italy. The people were friendly and the only drawback is that we are from California and we are used to terminal sunshine. This was a change of pace but one we thoroughly enjoyed.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Picture of the Week #249 "Romeo Romeo Wherefore" Paris 2013 Signed & Stamped

Walking to the Louvre through the Left Bank streets of Paris we passed this graffiti covered wall. I was later told that the house behind belongs to Serge Gainsborough who I think is or was married to Jane Birkin, a vixen from the 60's. I took the picture because it was colorful. As an art piece I think it's overdone. A few less scribbles and it might have worked. But I do like how "Juliet" pops out at us. Now where is that boyfriend of hers?

Monday, August 26, 2013

Picture of the Week #248 "Camel Jockeys" Giza, Egypt 1989 Signed & Stamped

Egypt, or more precisely Giza and the pyramids were an overwhelmingly delicious experience when I was there in 1989. I was halfway through my around the world trip that started off with a show of my work at the Harajuku Museum in Tokyo. From there I stopped in Singapore, Hong Kong, Abudabi, Kuwait and then picturesque Egypt. It was a dream come true to be at the pyramids. It was there that I ran out of the per diem money that the Museum was generous enough to bestow on the artists. So, by the time I got to Paris, it was on me. A small price to pay to be in Paris, another of my favorite places on the planet. I took many pictures like most tourists when I went to Egypt. But now that I've gone digital I'd love to go back and this time to go down the Nile to Luxor and document this great ancient civilization. But with the current upheaval I think that will have to stay on the back burner till things calm down.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Picture of the Week #247 "The Devil Himself" Venice, Italy, 2011 Signed and Stamped

This is one of 309 people that I photographed at the Carnivale in Venice. I then took a piece of their costume and made it the background. This way each participant had their own distinct backdrop. What makes this one appealing to me is the way the costume seems to suggest a fire behind the Carnivale goer. As skulls and Devils seem to be in right now I thought I'd post this. Also, we now have a website devoted to my images as well as life size cut outs of people in elaborate costumes. - Check it out and let me know your thoughts.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Picture of the Week #246 "Split Loyalties - Louis Vuitton vs Coach" Beverly Hills, CA 2013 Signed & Stamped

When I saw this shopper standing in front of Louis Vuitton with all his red shopping bags I immediately presumed that he had just come from the store. But on closer inspection I noticed that the bags are from Coach. I didn't wait around long enough to see if he went to another shop or was just waiting for someone to pick him up and whisk him away with his new clothes.

Monday, August 5, 2013

 Picture of the Week #245 "Tower Tootsies" Paris, France 2013 Signed & Stamped

Okay, it's manipulated. The feet were actually on a poster and the Eiffel Tower image I used before with Tin Tin standing in font. This image makes me smile. I'll probably include it in the next show of "Pictures That Make You Smile" which I am working on while I anxiously wait for the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas to send me a letter agreement to sell and exhibit my Venetian Carnivale images titled"Carnivale Candy". I hate waiting. So, I'm keeping up my spirits by working on the next fun show.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Picture of the Week #244 "Choices" Los Angeles, USA 2011 Signed and Stamped

When we were downtown L.A. looking for fabrics I couldn't resist putting these 3 images together. For some reason it keeps bringing to mind Middle East women in colorful Burkas. Yet there is something mysterious about this display but I just can't put my finger on it. It's probably the shapes. Anyway, we chose a solid white.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Picture of the Week #243 "Eavesdropping" La Rochelle, France 1999 Signed and Stamped

If I had my druthers I would walk all over the world and snap images that are just waiting to be captured. Here's one. I couldn't have set it up any better. I even love the tip of the toes that are just entering the frame on the lower right. There is a spontaneity and a humorous invasion of privacy that propels the human condition, which has always been my mantra in capturing images. This picture will join my other images that I fondly call "Pictures That Make You Smile".

Monday, July 15, 2013

Picture of the Week #242 "Hobbling Along" Shanghai, China 1980 Signed & Stamped

This is one of my favorite images. I think it is because it reminds me so much of my grandfather who I grew up with. The sweet face that has so many stories to tell. The elegance in his demeanor. The pride in allowing me to take his picture. If only he would have known how I drew and painted his image over the years. The painting I did was sold long ago and is now in a lavish home in Park City Utah. I'm presuming that my wonderful model is no longer with us as this was taken 33 years ago. His memory lives on.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Picture of the Week #241 "On The Bench" Venice, Italy 2011

Picture of the Week #241 "On The Bench"  Venice, Italy 2011 Signed and Stamped

Okay, I've gone back to posting my Carnivale Candy photos. I was hoping that my contract would come through from Las Vegas and I could post from there. But it hasn't arrived. As they say, lawyers. Plus in fairness there was the 4th of July in the middle of the week which I am sure slowed things down. Anyway, everyone who saw this image in my studio waiting to go to Vegas has loved it. So, I'm  posting it. The website is almost done and the price list as well. Now for little things like Invoices, cards, stationary and the boring stuff a new business needs. Here's hoping we open soon.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Picture of the Week #240 "Love Labors Lost" Padua, Italy 2013 Signed and Stamped

This was on a wall when we stopped in Padua Italy for a couple of days. I couldn't resist taking the picture. It made me smile and then I thought about it and realized that it was sad. Then I looked again and went back to smiling. Every time we walked by this image I had to look.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Picture of the Week #239 "Adjusting Dad's Dragon" Venice, Italy 2011 Signed and Stamped

I'm still on hold for opening my pop up gallery at the Venetian & Palazzo Hotels in Las Vegas. But I am continuing to make prints. I was hoping that July 1st would be the opening day, but they want me to wait as they said the space is not ready and the contract is not signed. I told them that I am ready when they are. In the meantime I have produced all of the inventory needed. The framing is done. The matting is done. And the Cut Outs are cut out, mounted and painted black around the edges. Now I'm cataloging and getting organized as to who is going to man the space. Actually I need at least three people as the space is to be open from 10:00 AM to Midnight seven days a week. I have someone else working on a website that will have a shopping cart and accept charge cards. So in essence things are moving along and I am very excited.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Picture of the Week #238 "Blue & White Mask"  Venice, Italy 2011 Signed and Stamped

It looks like it's official. I just spoke to the powers that be at the Hotel and I should be opening my Pop Up Gallery - "Stephen VERONA's Carnivale Candy Galleria d'Arte" at the Venetian & Palazzo Hotels in Las Vegas on or about July 1st. I am so excited. I have 50 matted photos, 23 Giclees, 10 Large and 10 small framed images and a bunch of mini cut outs. I hope this turns into a full time gallery where I can feed the work as it sells. Now I have to find trustworthy and knowledgable people to man the space. Everything will be signed and numbered and orders can be taken at the gallery and shipped from here so I know exactly where and what goes. This could be life changing. It's certainly exciting.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Picture of the Week #237 "Reflection" Venice, Italy 2011 Signed and Stamped

It looks like my "Carnivale Candy" POP UP show at the Venetian & Palazzo Hotels in Las Vegas is moving ahead. And to get a little head start I am posting one of the images. I actually photographed the person in St. Marks Square during the day and placed them by the water at night. It's dramatic and tells the story of Venice and the Carnivale. I am so stoked by having this Las Vegas venue which I feel is perfect for these images. I have large 44" by 52" white framed photographs, as well as 13" X 19" and another series of matted pictures that are 18" X 24". Then there are the Life Size, medium size and small size Cut Outs along with what I am calling Mini. I am trying to cover all price points. And there will be the Giclees, prints on canvas that are 20" X 24". It will be very colorful and hopefully a lively installation that we are hoping turns into an ongoing and successful gallery. At the same time we are feeling out merchandising the images on to T Shirts, coffee mugs, hats, etc. This is going to be a business that we are calling "Stephen Verona's CARNIVALE CANDY Galleria d'Arte". An online store will be open as well. Stay tuned.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Picture of the Week #236 "The New American Gothic"  Bel Air, California 2013 Signed & Stamped

My neighbors gardeners struck a pose that reminded me of Grant Wood's classic American Gothic painting, only the pitchfork was replaced by a leaf blower and trimmer. Could this be a classic in the making?

Monday, May 27, 2013

Picture of the Week #235 "Bunny Run"  Paris, France 2013 Signed and Stamped

I caught this couple hustling across the bridge with their baby in tow while the balloon of Bugs Bunny waves away. When I took the photo I didn't realize right away that the woman was chomping down on a banana. When I did see it  I thought of replacing it with a carrot, but decided to keep it as it was. I presume rabbits eat bananas as well.

Monte Carlo Zoom - Monte Carlo Monaco 1981 Signed and Stamped

As today was the famed Monte Carlo race I thought it appropriate to post these 2 pictures from the many that I took during the event in 1981 when I was living in the south of France. What is so hard to convey whether in pictures or Television is the sound. The roar of the whining engines and the tires squealing on curves can not be duplicated. There is a din that envelops you and chills the hair on the back of your neck. It is pure excitement. 

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Picture of the Week #234 "Sweet" Paris, France 2013  Signed and Stamped

La Douree is one of my favorite landmarks in Paris. This one is on the left bank. Even though I am a sweet junkie, I rarely buy candy or sweets there. Besides being more expensive, and that I am more of a gourmand than a gourmet, I always appreciate their display windows. The presentation that they put into their candy are simply scrumptious. Plus the long lines often send me elsewhere.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Picture of the Week #233 "Bad Memories Eraser"  Zagreb, Croatia 2013 Signed and Stamped

While visiting the truly unique "Museum of Broken Relationships" in Zagreb Croatia, I noticed this plexiglass box filled with erasers tattooed with "bad memories eraser" on the side. As we were exiting the gift shop. I didn't buy any, but I did take this picture as a souvenir. There is something funny yet sad at the same time by the statement these erasers make. In fact the entire museum was filled with sadness, humor, and irony. We loved it and have mentioned it every time we talk about our trip to Croatia. It's truly worth a traveling exhibit if some wise museum curator would only pick up on it. Or see it for yourself. You won't be disappointed.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Picture of the Week #232 "Lonliness in La Coupole" Paris, France 2013

Veering away from my recent run of "Pictures That Make You Smile", I couldn't resist this grab shot that I got on our recent trip to Paris. We were leaving our usual haunt of La Coupole and Ann my beautiful wife ran downstairs to the lady's room. As I stood by the exit I noticed this forlorn looking man sitting there and looking back at me. With a slight smile I raised my camera and when he didn't resist my overture I snapped this image. Once I saw it on my computer I noticed all the portraits of the fabulous artists who frequented this legendary bistro. Here he was sitting beneath the likes of Picasso, Cocteau and Matisse. Who I am sure once sat in these very seats.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Picture of the Week #231 "Tri Skull"  Cannes, France 2013 Signed and Stamped

When I was in Cannes and I was stalking the streets for images, I came across this faux diamond encrusted skull in a store window. As there were side windows as well I was able to capture it from three sides. Something different than Damian Hirst's view. I placed all three together for this Picture of the Week. I'm usually not into dark images or skulls, but this one was so graphic and happening that I decided to post it.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Picture of the Week #230 "Tin-Tin Tower Tour" Paris, France 2013 Signed and Stamped

Okay this was manipulated. Tin-Tin was in a shop window while the Tower obviously wasn't. When I was shooting the tower I kept thinking about what would make people smile. And when I went home and started going through my recent pictures I saw the one of Tin-Tin in a shop window. After playing with both images for a few hours, I finally came up with this composite. I think it works.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Picture of the Week #229 "Drained" Paris, France 2013 Signed and Stamped

Even the sewers of Paris are filled with artistic statements. Crossing rue des Rennes in the sixth arrondissement I came across this street art statement the other night. At first I thought it might be too gruesome then saw the humor of it.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Picture of the Week #228 "A Kiss Awaits You"  Padua, Italy 2013 Signed and Stamped

While going through from Zagreb Croatia to visit a friend in Amelia Italy, we stopped off for the night at the newly redone Hotel Milano in Padua Italy. Our room was on the fourth floor and when I looked down I could see this unique wrought iron sofa in the shape of lips just off the ground floor lobby. I had to have a picture. The title came to me immediately... A Kiss Awaits You. And there you have it. By the way, Padua is a great little city that is filled with vibrant shops and markets. I only wish we had more time. We will go back.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Picture of the Week #227 "Mick Lisa" Zagreb, Croatia 2013 Signed and Stamped

We went to various Museums in Zagreb and couldn't help but notice this poster hanging out in front of the Arts & Crafts Museum. As we don't speak or understand Croatian we were at a complete loss, except for the humor of the image. As I am primarily working towards a show of "POP Pictures That Make You Smile", I thought this would fit right in. Tonight I had some trouble accessing my blog to add this image, and even with the help of the Concierge here in the Hotel, we couldn't figure it out. But after some persistence back in our room, there she is. I hope she makes you smile way beyond her legendary portrait.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Picture of the Week #226 "Before the Charge" Tree Tops, Nepal 2000 - 2013 Signed and Stamped

This photo of the elephant was taken at Tree Tops in Nepal in 2000. But the sky was actually shot in front of my house here in Bel Air California 13 years later. I placed the elephant there because the colors seem to work together. The blueish grey of the skin against the coming storm in the sky wed the image together. The graphic of those white tusks and the pink of the ears reminds me why I love to shoot in color.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Picture of the Week #225 "Cargo Hold" Hong Kong, China 2007 Signed and Stamped

This was taken on a flight from Hong Kong to Taiwan aboard the plane. I found it funny that the gloves are woolen and not very protective against heat or liquids. I'm curious as to what is in those containers?

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Picture of the Week #224 "WTF" Hong Kong, China 2007 & Vancouver, Canada 2005 Signed and Stamped

The glass sculpture was in Hong Kong in a window back in 2007 while the lily pads were in Vancouver British Columbia two years earlier. Now, eight years later having always loved the water lilies and the sculpture and wanting to do something with them, I created this image melding the two. I love the colors and the odd glass sculpture. I may use either one of them at a later date in another picture. But for now, here they are.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Picture of the Week #223 "Kiss Me Stupid" Giza, Egypt 1989 Signed and Stamped

This was my camel driver guide who took me around the desert. Seeing the pyramids is one of the greatest experiences anyone can have. There were not many tourists when I was there was in October or November of 1989. Everything was magical. I only wish I stayed longer and understood more about the history of place that always fascinated me. I'd love to return even with all of the horrors happening, somehow you always believe it won't happen to you. One day, perhaps, I can take my wife Ann there and to the Valley of the Kings and Luxor, which sadly I never got to on my trip. Another destination for the bucket list.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Picture of the Week #222 "A Bee On My TV" Bel Air, California 2013 Signed and Stamped

As I'm addicted to animal documentaries on TV, I was riveted to one about the Silver Back mountain gorillas of Africa. When suddenly this bee flies onto the TV Screen. I take a picture immediately. But I am not happy with the bee. So I photoshopped it out and then photographed another bee on my window and put that one exactly where the first one was. Somehow you're not sure what you're looking at on first glance. Then it all comes in to focus. And no gorilla or bee was hurt in the making of this image.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Picture of the Week #221 "Gangs All Here" Venice, California 2013 Signed and Stamped

Yesterday I thought I'd hit the beach and see if there were any pictures that make you smile just waiting to be taken. I found a parking spot on South Venice Blvd. As I was walking towards the water I had to wait to cross the street when I saw all of these motor cyclists waiting to cross as well. I quickly grabbed a couple of shots and then the light changed and one leaped out doing a wheelie. I had to turn the camera back on and grab the shot mid air. When I got home I decided to put three of the images
on the beach and I used the shadows on the ground to paint onto the sand. Somehow it looks as if they were really on the beach, but in fact they were a half a mile away. Thank you photoshop.