Monday, September 30, 2013

Picture of the Week #253 "Salute" Vatican City, Rome, Italy 2009 Signed & Stamped

From my exclusive invitational trip too the Vatican to hear Pope Benedicte's Address to Artists. As I passed this Vatican Soldier, he abruptly saluted me. I was at a loss  as to how to respond, so I nodded my head in gratitude and proceeded into the Sistine Chapel for an experience that will last a lifetime.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Picture of the Week #252 "Subway Girls B&W" Tokyo, Japan 1989 Signed & Stamped
    & Bonus Picture "Community Chest Girls" Tokyo, Japan 1989 Signed & Stamped

I had conflicting thoughts when I went to post this morning's Picture of the Week. I couldn't decide between the action or the innocence of these different girls. I loved the playfulness of the girls romping about the subway station at the same time the shyness and demeanor of the charity volunteers totally grabbed my attention by their body language. Then I thought why not post both, so here they are. You decide.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Picture of the Week  #251 "Sleeping In the TV" Zagreb, Croatia 2013 Signed & Stamped

Visiting the Museum of Modern Art in Zagreb, I came across this installation of three TV Monitors with a man lying inside. It immediately grabbed my attention. I realized that part of him was filmed and placed in each monitor and then the monitors were placed side by side giving the impression that he is inside all three at once. Obviously this wasn't the case. At least that is my theory. I wish I remembered who the artist was.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Picture of the Week #250 "A Walk in the Spring Rain"  Zagreb, Croatia 2013 Signed & Stamped

At the right moment there he was walking in the drizzle. I was going to call this "Ready Wear Rainwear" but chose this more poetic title. We loved Zagreb and from what little we saw of Croatia only inspired us to plan another trip back there. The food and the art were outstanding and the prices were very low in comparison to the South of France or Northern Italy. The people were friendly and the only drawback is that we are from California and we are used to terminal sunshine. This was a change of pace but one we thoroughly enjoyed.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Picture of the Week #249 "Romeo Romeo Wherefore" Paris 2013 Signed & Stamped

Walking to the Louvre through the Left Bank streets of Paris we passed this graffiti covered wall. I was later told that the house behind belongs to Serge Gainsborough who I think is or was married to Jane Birkin, a vixen from the 60's. I took the picture because it was colorful. As an art piece I think it's overdone. A few less scribbles and it might have worked. But I do like how "Juliet" pops out at us. Now where is that boyfriend of hers?