Sunday, May 25, 2014

Picture of the Week # 287 "In The Line of Duty" West Los Angeles, California 2014 Signed & Stamped

Shopping with my beautiful bride I couldn't help myself when I saw all of these blue shopping carts lined up along side the store. The mural behind of waves crashing added to the scene. I grabbed a few shots with my trusty point & shoot as this was not one of my more formal picture taking days. Yes, there are days when I specifically go out to take pictures. On those days I take my big Canon digital and on other days I just have my point & shoot on my belt. I also have my iPhone, but strangely I prefer a camera to a smart phone.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Picture of the Week # 286 "Love Under Cover" Beverly Hills, California 2014 Signed & Stamped

Walking through the Beverly Hills Art Show I happened on a couple with this see through umbrella. Just as I realized what she was carrying she turned and gave me this brief glimpse of their love under the cover of the umbrella. I wasn't crazy about the back ground and as I only had this one quick shot to work from, I decided to change it. I was originally going for a rose color, but settled for this light purple instead. It still gives you the feeling of the City behind them without the distraction.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Picture of the Week # 285 "Flying Patriotism" JFK to LAX 2014 Signed & Stamped

Returning from my induction to my old High School's "Wall of Distinction" ceremony in New York, I couldn't help taking pictures out the window. The plane left on time and all was good until they announced that all the airports in California were closed as there was a computer glitch and the radar went out. So just before we began our descent they turned us to Phoenix where we sat for an hour. It seems a high tech Spy plane jammed the radar of all the airports. It makes you wonder if one spy plane could close all the airports, what that information could do in the hands of our enemies.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Picture of the Week #284 "Chorus of Men in Hats" Peking/Beijing China 1980 Signed & Stamped

When I was scouting locations and working on the budget for a never made movie that I was hoping to direct, I grabbed this shot of tourists posing. All but one guy were wearing hats. This was so indicative of the China that I first encountered. I've seen that Mao outfits and hats have been replaced by modern garb and the American influence. I keep hearing how I wouldn't recognize China now 34 years later. And I am sure who ever said that was correct. I'd love to return and do a show of images from then and now.