Monday, January 26, 2015

Picture of the Week #322 "Experience It" Valdes, Alaska 1975 Signed & Stamped

In last weeks post I explained why I was in Alaska and what transpired. I also gave credit to my inspiration of the work of the incredible Brazilian photographer Sebastaio Salgado. I put together an Apple book of my pictures titled "Project: Pipe Line" from the building of the Alaskan Pipe Line and I turned them B&W to emulate Salgado. Not that I came close but I realized that many of my images were more fun in color. Here's one. Even though the license plate reads 74 I didn't photograph it until 1975. I will have the book available to see on my website: under Photography along with others. Check them out.

Picture of the Week # 321 "Working the Pipe Line"  Valdes, Alaska 1975 Signed & Stamped

In 1975 I went to Alaska to produce & direct a motion picture titled "Pipe Dreams". It was to star Gladys Knight the singing star without her brother & cousins the Pips. It was a serious film about the making of the pipe line and the corruption, kickbacks and hazards to the environment. But due to circumstances completely out of my control, as I was "ONLY" the co-writer, producer and director, I was at the mercy of the executive Producer who also starred in the film and was married to Gladys and it was he who signed the checks. Somewhere along the line a six week shooting schedule was downsized to 3 and the film became a nightmare. No one was paid. The film was taken away from my editor Irving Lerner, who happened to have edited, Twelve Angry Men and Spartacus. No lightweight by any stretch of the imagination. The exec producer felt that as a white he Jew he didn't understand the "Black experience" and took the film to Detroit where it was completed. I did not see the film till it was premiered in Atlanta in a black theater. There were 5 or 6 of us who were white. Gladys's lawyers, myself, the woman I lived with and co-wrote the script, Leigh Chapman and a couple of distributors. It received mixed reviews, but the reason I am telling you this is that I saw an Academy Award nominated film titled "Salt of the Earth" about Sebastaio Salgado the great Brazilian photographer. I was so impressed by his iconic images that i decided to try my hand at B&W of workers and the likely place was my pictures from the Pipe Line. I do not mean to compare myself or my work to Salgado, but to use his work as an inspiration.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Picture of the Week #320 "Gossip on the Stool and in the Salon" Shanghai, China 1980 & 2014 Signed & Stamped

Don't miss this great article: out today.

This will fill you in on my "MAO to NOW" a photographic exploration of China and the remarkable changes from when I was first there in 1980 and how different everything and everyone looks today. The stark contrast is absolutely amazing. Since the Chinese were poor under MAO they couldn't afford cameras, let alone film and developing, and that my images are part of their heritage and comparing it to today's China is wonderful. Please feel free to pass this on.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Picture of the Week # 319 "Today Is Your Day" Venice, California 2014 Signed & Stamped

I saw this when I was taking pictures in Venice a few months ago. It was stenciled on the sidewalk and it brightened my day. I smiled, took the picture and walked off. As this is a New Year I thought it would be a great image to start off 2015.