Monday, November 30, 2015

Picture of the Week #366 "Reading Pravda" & "Slow Dance in Moscow" Moscow, Russia 1988 
Signed & Stamped

When I was invited to Russia to show my films at the first Soviet / American Film Interchange in over 40 years,  I obviously took lots of pictures in my spare time. I remember that people were cautious and staring at me when I raised my camera. Everyone wore dark colors and the mood was somber to say the least. The one woman wearing red in a the hotel dance stood out. Lucky for me the light was right. The streets were filled with sad expressions as people made their way to work. But yet my trip was a happy one thanks to my fellow American Film Makers. 

Monday, November 23, 2015

Picture of the Week # 365 "Elephant Crossing"  Masai Mara, Kenya, 1997 Signed & Stamped

This was taken on our honeymoon safari in Africa. One of the greatest most photogenic trips for professionals or rank amateurs. My dear wife Ann has always held this as her favorite trip and being animal lovers we were totally in heaven. People think because you are staying in tented camps that you are "roughing it". But in fact it was luxurious. Yes it's a tent, but it has marble baths and showers. The only difference is that the walls are canvas. These elephants were one of many herds that we encountered. Not to mention the other big names, like Lion, Cheetah, Rhino as well as it was paradise. A trip never to be forgotten. One day we hope to do another safari, perhaps in South Africa. If we do I'm sure I'll have more animal pictures of the week for you.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Picture of the Week #364 "Paris Prayer" 2007/2015 & Bonus "Bloody Tragedy" 1989/2015

Last Friday the 13th's tragic killing in Paris reminded me of an image I took of a Tibetan Prayer Flag in front of the Eiffel Tower back in 2007. Yesterday I manipulated the image to to show the sky clouded over and brightened the yellow flag. The significance to me was the carnage reflected in the drab color of the sky and the Tower, but a ray of sunshine still glows beneath it. And while I felt that yellow was usually the color of cowardice and fear, that it was a two edged sword, as a Buddhist prayer flag gave hope to a kinder and safer world and that understanding and peace will soon prevail.  In the bottom image from 1989, I turned the sky red to reflect the blood spilt over my adopted second home. I'm not sure that bombing Syria is the answer. I believe that ISIS was started by Bush & Cheney's irresponsible acts of aggression and remember when Chaney categorically stated that we are going after Iraq, Iran and Syria. I said to myself back then, why Syria? What did they do to us? Maybe they are paying us back? I believe in freedom everywhere and that war and bombs are not always the answer. Understanding and communication is.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Picture of the Week #363 "Roman Rain" 1971 Signed & Stamped

In the pouring rain in Rome I got this shot of a priest standing in a bus stop as a car came whizzing by me. I always remembered this image but only recently found it in my library of 35mm slides. Considering it's 44 years old, it still holds up as contemporary to me. 

Monday, November 2, 2015

Picture of the Week #362 "Lenin" & Bonus "Kruschev" Moscow, Russia 1988 Signed & Stamped

When I was in Russia for the first Soviet / American Film Interchange since World War Two I tried to capture some of the iconic images of the Soviet's past. Driving along I noticed the giant billboard of Vladimir Lenin's portrait plastered to the side of a wall. I don't know what the significance of it's hanging there meant, nor could anyone tell me since he was long gone. Then my guide took me to the cemetery and asked if I would like to dance on Kruschev's grave. I thought he was kidding. But lo and behold there it was. I took some pictures instead.