Monday, December 25, 2017

Picture of the Week #469 "Silver Elephant" Encino, California 2017 Signed & Stamped

We were at our friends Pete & Liliane Saphier's home for dinner. On the table were these extraordinary animal napkin holders. I couldn't help looking at the elephant and thinking how can I make this into an interesting photo. I took out my little point and shoot camera and snapped a few shots of it. Then when I decided to make it this week's Picture of the Week I silhouetted the elephant and placed it on the toned background and then added the clouds from a shot I took in Egypt back in 1989. Who knows how people will react to it, so we'll soon see if anyone comments. 

Monday, December 18, 2017

Picture of the Week # 468 "The Spider & The Joker"

I photographed the spider in my driveway one night and the Joker was walking down Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills in the afternoon. I placed them together and was going to post this for Halloween but went for a Mask installation at the Venice Biennale instead. So, better late than never, here is one spooky image. Your comments are always welcome.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Picture of the Week #467 "Color Cafe" Paris, France 2017 Signed & Stamped

I'm going back to photos I took this summer in France & Italy. This was taken of a cafe on Boulevard Montparnasse in Paris. There was something about the various colors used for the table cloths that I found appealing. I was lucky there were no people to disrupt the image. Somehow Paris has an image for me every few feet while here at home in L.A. I have to search for worthwhile photos. Not that there aren't any, it's perhaps I'm so used to my surroundings that I am not seeing what is right in front of me. I will have to open myself up to  seeing and recording more here at home.

Picture of the Week #466 'Three Graces" - Swans Bel Air, California 2000 Signed & Stamped

I have been posting photos from our trip to France & Italy since we returned in August. But for some reason I realized that I had never posted this image of the three Swans that I took at the famed Bel Air Hotel down the street from me seventeen years ago. I've posted other images of swans but those images were manipulated while these were not. Once I posted this as my Picture of the Week I immediately sold one to a collector in Phoenix. More to go.