Monday, January 29, 2018

Picture of the week #474 "Umbrella City"Santa Monica, California 2017 Signed & Stamped

On one of our many walks along Ocean avenue in Santa Monica, you can't help but see the many umbrellas hogging the beach and therefore I had to capture it. I did manipulate some of the sand on the bottom to steer the viewers focus to the colorful umbrellas.  

Monday, January 22, 2018

Picture of the Week #473 "Ditch Digging" Hang Chow, China 1980 Signed & Stamped

On my first trip to Mainland China I was originally there to scout locations for a motion picture that I was set to direct. As I might have said before in one of my posts, the film was supposed to star Ingrid Bergman. Sadly she fell ill and the film was cancelled. I spent the next year back home going through all of the slides that I had taken and chose a number to paint from. That was when I came upon the idea of doing life size cut outs. My friends would all ask "What's China like?" and I would answer people, people and bicycles. Today it's cars everywhere. I was blown away at the progress that China has gone through in such a short period of time. Anyway, here's what it used to look like. 

Monday, January 15, 2018

Picture of the Week #472  "Nude Watch" Los Angeles, California 2017 Signed & Stamped

I went to the L.A. Art Fair downtown and came across various installations that I liked. Obviously I photographed them. When I was back here in my studio I started to manipulate and combine them and finally adding a cloud at the bottom. I find this image very funny and that it requires a second look. I hope others enjoy it as much. It will be part of a my ongoing hard cover book project of "Pictures That Make You Smile". I'll let you know when it's completed in case you want one. Till then keep smiling.

Monday, January 8, 2018

Picture of the Week #471 "Contemplating Picasso" Paris, France 2017 Signed & Stamped

Roaming the galleries in the various Paris Museums I came a cross this woman who stood mesmerized by the small Picasso on the wall. As she stood there I couldn't help myself but to quickly record her intensity and interest. I moved on after the shutter snapped. 

Monday, January 1, 2018

Picture of the Week #470 "Painted Painter" Paris, France 2017 Signed & Stamped

I would love to take credit for setting this image up but to be honest it was an installation in a Museum in Paris. It is a Duane Hanson sculpture. At first glance it looks real which is what I like. I have always been intrigued by his work as well as John deAndrea who did life like nudes. Our friend Joyce Brandman has one of the nudes in her guest powder room. It is very strange to go into a toilet and have a life like statue watching you. These sculptures have become cost prohibitive for me but I can certainly appreciate them.