Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Picture of the Week #495 "Waiting for the Parade" Sun Valley, Idaho1977 Signed & Stamped

If my memory still served me, then I'd be able to give you the full story as to why and how this image came to be. I do remember that it was this time of year obviously and we were in Sun Valley for something to do with my then movie career. But that's all I remember. And sadly the woman I had lived with for 3 years back then has since passed away. So that's all I got as they say. No one to ask. Well, wait a a sec, actually I had posted another take from this quick shoot back at Picture of the Week #136. It's quite good and from a completely different angle. But this image said something to me today so here it is. Just in time for the 4th.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Picture of the Week #494 "Home Sweet Home #4" Versailles, France 1989 & Venice, Italy 2011
Signed & Stamped

Here's the third iteration of these Venetian Carnival attendees that I had posted previously. I took the Festival group, that I might add, I photographed every day of my 7 day 6 night stay where this woman had a different outfit for each day. Plus she had her own hairdresser and dog attendee as you can see. This image says to me what it might have been like back in the day. Over the top and removed from what was really going on. Remember they used to decapitate in France.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Picture of the Week #493 "Anxious Matador"
Barcelona, Spain 1987

I am in the minority when it comes to bull fighting. I am for it. I look at it as art rather than cruelty. As soon as the bull is killed the meat is immediately sold thereby feeding lots of enthusiasts. When hunger is world wide then I am all for feeding the people. The pageantry, the ritual, and the spectacle are all extremely exciting. And yes is does help if there is a good matador who creates a clean kill that makes it worthwhile. 

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Picture of the Week #492 "Monk in White" Bangkok, Thailand 1989 Signed & Stamped

This was taken when I was going around the world back in 1989. I saw this Monk in white coming towards me and was struck by his look. I immediately snapped this image. In those days I shot 35mm transparency film so I had no idea if I had the shot so I just had to wait till the film was processed. When I was back here in L.A. I was pleasantly surprised as to how this photo turned out. I was also struck by how neat and clean his white robe and shirt were.