Monday, July 30, 2018

Picture of the Week #499 "Flip Flop Floating" Nice, France 2017 Signed & Stamped

As we cruised the croissette of Nice I looked down to see this woman floating using her flip flops on her hands. The water was so crystal clear I wanted to jump in. But we were on our way somewhere and the opportunity never materialized. I still think about living in the South of France or Northern Italy. I love the architecture and the Italian people, but nothing works and they are not exactly known for fulfilling what they say. If you have a handyman come to the house it is usual for him too say "I'll be back tomorrow". But he never arrives. Then you run into him at a cafe for lunch and he charmingly says "no problem I come tomorrow. Months could go by when suddenly he arrives and it gets done. Well this photo was taken in August when everyone was on holiday. So I wouldn't put it past him to suddenly be floating next to this girl with flip flops. 

Monday, July 23, 2018

Picture off the Week #498 "Big Talker" Giza, Egypt 1989 Signed & Stamped

On my 1989 trip around the world, I had to stop off in Egypt to see the pyramids. I quickly understood that I had to have a guide to show me around. I hired this young man to take me out to the three pyramids with his camel. We got on and rode out to the monuments that I had always longed to see. When we got closer he turns around to me and says: "You kiss me now? I told him that I was not doing that. He didn't press the issue. Later he took me even further out to some guy sitting on a blanket in the middle of nowhere. My illustrious guide says you buy me drink? I said sure and this guy pulls back a blanket and underneath are a bunch of sodas. Not exactly cold, but not bad being we are in the Sahara. We gulped them down and continued on my guided tour. When we stopped for me to take pictures I caught this image. I don't remember now what he was saying or why. I just know that ride was something that I will always cherish.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Picture of the Week #497 "An Informal Chat" Alcaniz, Spain 1987 Signed & Stamped

Back in '87 I was living with a fun lady who easily convinced me to go to Spain. Off we went. But the trip had some bumps as she and I began arguing. She would sulk. I would go off and take pictures. We'd make up over cold sangria and everything would be fine until the next day. To sum the trip up I got lots of photos and after three years of living together we broke up. C'est la vie. 

Monday, July 9, 2018

Picture of the Week #496 "Flamenco Frenzy" Madrid, Spain 1987 

On my second trip to Spain, the first was when I was on my first honeymoon. The second was with a live in girl friend way after my divorce. For some reason I am drawn to flamenco and to the bull ring. I am addicted to seeing the pomp and ceremony before a bull fight. I always top them off when I go to the Corral de Moreria to watch them flamenco, drink Sangria and celebrate. Ole'