Monday, December 25, 2017

Picture of the Week #469 "Silver Elephant" Encino, California 2017 Signed & Stamped

We were at our friends Pete & Liliane Saphier's home for dinner. On the table were these extraordinary animal napkin holders. I couldn't help looking at the elephant and thinking how can I make this into an interesting photo. I took out my little point and shoot camera and snapped a few shots of it. Then when I decided to make it this week's Picture of the Week I silhouetted the elephant and placed it on the toned background and then added the clouds from a shot I took in Egypt back in 1989. Who knows how people will react to it, so we'll soon see if anyone comments. 

Monday, December 18, 2017

Picture of the Week # 468 "The Spider & The Joker"

I photographed the spider in my driveway one night and the Joker was walking down Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills in the afternoon. I placed them together and was going to post this for Halloween but went for a Mask installation at the Venice Biennale instead. So, better late than never, here is one spooky image. Your comments are always welcome.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Picture of the Week #467 "Color Cafe" Paris, France 2017 Signed & Stamped

I'm going back to photos I took this summer in France & Italy. This was taken of a cafe on Boulevard Montparnasse in Paris. There was something about the various colors used for the table cloths that I found appealing. I was lucky there were no people to disrupt the image. Somehow Paris has an image for me every few feet while here at home in L.A. I have to search for worthwhile photos. Not that there aren't any, it's perhaps I'm so used to my surroundings that I am not seeing what is right in front of me. I will have to open myself up to  seeing and recording more here at home.

Picture of the Week #466 'Three Graces" - Swans Bel Air, California 2000 Signed & Stamped

I have been posting photos from our trip to France & Italy since we returned in August. But for some reason I realized that I had never posted this image of the three Swans that I took at the famed Bel Air Hotel down the street from me seventeen years ago. I've posted other images of swans but those images were manipulated while these were not. Once I posted this as my Picture of the Week I immediately sold one to a collector in Phoenix. More to go.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Picture of the Week #465 "Color Coordinated Construction" Paris, France 2017 Signed & Stamped

Once again on my many walks through Paris I encountered this construction worker who seemed to have selected his clothes to match the site. He was very intent on what he was doing as I stood there clicking away. He knew I was there but was kind enough to let me take my pictures. I have no idea what they were digging for but it amused me no end to see how Paris is still a fashion capitol. 

Monday, November 20, 2017

Picture of the Week #464 "Motorcycle Indian" Paris, France 2017 Signed & Stamped

Gallery & Museum hoping in my favorite city, Paris, I came across this installation. I had to photograph it and show it to you. I have no idea what the artist means by this but I still found it intriguing enough to record it for my Picture of the Week. If anyone knows please let me know the meaning. Till then, onwards.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Picture of the Week #463 "Peanut Ants" Paris, France 2017 Signed & Stamped

How could I not take this photo when I was doing my walk through Paris and checking out the shop windows. There it was. I don't remember what the shop was selling as I only clicked once and then walked on to catch up with my wife Ann. Paris shop windows are sometimes so dramatic and unique that they just call out to be photographed. It's one of my favorite things to do and Paris always offers wonderful images to immortalize.

Monday, November 6, 2017

Picture of the Week #462 "Red Undies" Naples, Italy 2017 Signed & Stamped

What could I say as I was not very fond of Naples. I found it an incredibly dirty and hostile city. An example was when we were having lunch and the chair next to me was empty and the man was sitting there by himself and I asked very pleasantly if I could put my cameras on the chair next to me but at his table. He bluntly said "NO!" I thought maybe someone was joining him but as he was finishing up I realized he was just being an asshole and of course I loudly explained so that he could hear me what an asshole he was. I put my cameras on the ground and ate a mediocre meal and chalked the experience up to the shit you run into sometimes. 

Monday, October 30, 2017

Picture of the Week #461 "Boo - Trick or Treat" Venice, Italy 2017 Signed & Stamped

At the Venice Biennale I came into this room filled with imposing masks. Needless to say I had to document the installation. And now that we are approaching Halloween tomorrow night I thought what a fine representation these masks make for the annual holiday. I'm sorry that I don't know which artist or country had made this intriguing exhibition. Trick or treat.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Picture of the Week #460 "Colorful Cleanup Crew" Paris, France 2017 Signed & Stamped

Again traipsing through one of my favorite cities on earth, Paris, I always find something to record. This time it was soap. I don't know many photographers that find what I find to record. I also try and have a sense of humor with the image or the title. This was a no brainer. Snap and it was saved for posterity. Or at least last longer than the soap.

Picture of the Week #459 "Chicken Window" Paris, France 2017 Signed & Stamped

Walking the streets of Paris ALWAYS offers me something to photograph. This window obviously caught my eye and I snapped away. You can still see some of the street reflected. I am focusing my photos from this trip on color. I love that they blare out at you. I can't promise all of the images from this trip will be as bright and fun as this one, but I'll keep looking thru the 4,000 photos I took. 

Monday, October 9, 2017

Picture of the Week #458 "Silver Haired Beauty" Paris, France 2017 Signed & Stamped

Walking by the Pyramid at the Louvre I spotted this beauty having her photo taken by a friend. I couldn't help but notice her and snapped a few images myself. Then I walked behind her to get a shot of her silver braids when she turned just enough for me to get her profile. Once back home in my studio I was able to clean up the background so that she stood out even more. A true ten. 

Monday, October 2, 2017

Picture of the Week #457 "Perusing Puffy Pillow Piece" Venice, Italy 2017 Signed & Stamped

Another installation at the Venice Biennale that caught my eye. The room was dimly lit but you could still get the power of the color and shapes. I have a few more pictures but without anyone there. You couldn't tell the scale until this woman happened to come in to check it out. 

Monday, September 25, 2017

Picture of the Week # 456 "Red Red Red" St. Paul de Vence, France 2017 Signed & Stamped

Having lunch at La Colombe D'or in the South of France, which I might add is one of my most favorite places to eat on the planet, I couldn't help but notice the woman sitting at the next table. Her blue eye liner matched her dress while her hair, a cup and the pitcher shouted out this vibrant color red. I snapped a few images of her and I think she finally realized that I was doing so, so I stopped. But this image reminded me of Cezanne's Card Players. Having taken this and other photos and having another fabulous meal washed down with a nice Chateau Minuty Rose', I left a very happy camper.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Picture of the Week #455 "Sun Worship" Nice, France 2017 Signed & Stamped

On one of our last days in the South of France this summer I was walking with Ann and our friend Teresa when I looked down and saw these sun worshippers. I snapped away and kept walking. I am so used to seeing sand on the beach I thought it was unusual to see all these rocks and people lying on it with just a towel beneath them. I sadly can no longer lay in the sun as I had a slight case of heat stroke when we were in Paestum near Naples. Plus I'm bald and the sun does not agree with me any more. 

Monday, September 11, 2017

Picture of the Week #454 "Hats, Hats, & More Hats" Naples, Italy 2017 Signed & Stamped 

Although I didn't care for Naples, and that's putting it mildly, I did find a few colorful images to record. This was one of them. I found Naples to be filthy, garbage everywhere, the people were hostile and not very welcoming to strangers. We were having lunch at an outdoor restaurant. I was loaded down with my cameras and politely asked the man who was sitting alone at a table for two if I could put my cameras on the empty chair. With great coldness he said "NO!" He sat there eating his lunch and no one ever came to sit with him. That summed up my feelings of Naples as being filled up with assholes. I have no intention to ever return.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Picture of the Week #453 "Rainbow Curtain"  Venice, Italy 2017 Signed & Stamped

I found this installation at this year's Venice Biennale. I thought it was more interesting as a photograph with my shadow hovering over and snapping away. I lost the name of the artist but was impressed by the presentation. It was one of the last installations we saw but it remained one of the more memorable. I was profoundly let down by Mark Bradford's in the American Pavillion. None of us got it and asked ourselves: "Is this the best America has to offer?". We moved on to see some terrific shows especially the photography exhibit in the Polish Pavillion. But the absolute best of the show was Damien Hirst's "Treasures From The Wreck of the Unbelievable". It boggles our collective minds that the show was panned with a review like this: "Damien Hirst’s doubleheader in Venice is undoubtedly one of the worst exhibitions of contemporary art staged in the past decade." I completely disagree and had to remember when Woody Allen said and I'm probably paraphrasing:" 'There are those who do and there are those who can't do, teach. And those who can't teach, teach gym .' Time will tell how the world reacts to this monumental undertaking. 

Monday, August 28, 2017

Picture of the Week #452 "Boules" St. Paul de Vence, France 2017 Signed & Stamped 

Our whirlwind month of going to Paris, Beaulieu sur Mer, in France and Matera, Maratea, Naples, & Venice in Italy was extraordinary. The only drawback was that the internet sucks and therefore I did not post my "Pictures of the Week" for four weeks. In St. Paul de Vence I would take our gracious hosts to lunch at one of our old favorite restaurants, La Colombe d'or. It never lets me down. After lunch we walked over to the boules court next to the Cafe that was owned by Simone Signoret and Yves Montand. There I watched them intently play. As I stood behind one of the concentrated played I snapped this image. It says "South of France" to me. 

Monday, July 17, 2017

Picture of the Week # 451 "Into the Sunset" Beverly Hills, California 2017 Signed & Stamped

I caught this elderly couple walking down the street in Beverly Hills. They had been shopping and wearing these brightly colored outfits. As I was walking behind them I conjured up a short scenario in my head that they are probably retired and visiting Beverly Hills and put on those colorful outfits because now at this age they can do it. I walked behind them for a few feet got my shot and a short time later in my studio I decided to place them walking into the sunset as a blatant metaphor for aging. I tried not to make this depressing, and I hope succeeded.  

Monday, July 10, 2017

Picture of the Week # 450 "Caution" Beverly Hills, California 2017 & Unknown Signed & Stamped

When I was walking in Beverly Hills I saw this girl with purple hair and the owl knapsack, I immediately grabbed a few shots with my little point & shoot that is always on my hip. When I took her photo it was in broad daylight. It wasn't until I found this other image of the entrance to what I presumed was a home replete with what looked like German Eagles hovering over the entrance that I decided to put the two images together. Bringing the light down considerably on the young girl I tried to give the impression that she was there at night making the image more ominous. Which by the way was the first title I had for this picture.

Monday, July 3, 2017

Picture of the Week # 449 "Pots" Beverly Hills, California 2017 Signed & Stamped

Recently I was in the mood for some new pictures so I grabbed my Canon camera and hit the streets of Beverly Hills. As I came around my old business manager's office I noticed this guy sitting in the shade by these wonderfully large pots. I snapped a quick shot and then turned so that he wouldn't realize that I was taking his picture. I checked the back of the camera and sure enough I saw I had a really nice image. I loved the way the pots just glowed. When I came home and downloaded the pictures of the day, this one still stood out. Enjoy.

Monday, June 26, 2017

Picture of the Week #448 "Exit Dummy" Beverly Hills, California 2017 Signed & Stamped

On my usual stroll through Beverly Hills I encountered this mannequin popping itself out of a doorway. Snap. I took the shot and kept walking. It wasn't until I got home and put my pictures into the computer that I realized this would make a good "Picture of the Week" submission. so here it is.
I also sold a copy immediately to Meridith Baer the great designer and stager. 

Monday, June 19, 2017

Picture of the Week #447 "Ducks, Ducks & More Ducks" Sun Valley, Idaho 2006 Signed & Stamped

This is one of the more memorable pictures I took when we had a harrowing time when we were visiting alcoholic friends. We had no idea that the trip would be so horrendous. I should have known when the husband said I had to rent a car as he was not picking us up at the airport. So we rented a car and as soon as we arrived the husband said let's go get some wine. I drove us into town and he immediately bought two cases of a decent red & a white. Then said here as he embarrassed me into paying as that would be my gift to the the house. I knew that he drank a lot, but three cases and we are only going to be there for the weekend. I bit the bullet and swallowed what became a very expensive 3 days. When we went out to see the "Duck Days" event I was relieved to be out and taking pictures. This image was one of my favorites.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Picture of the Week #446 "Boucherie" Paris, France 1981 Signed & Stamped

Paris is like my second home. For years I would go there and walk the city with a trusted camera dangling from my shoulder. On one of my many excursions I would pass this Butcher shop in the 6th arrondisemont on the Left Bank. Yesterday I found the 36 year old transparency and decided it deserved to be one of my "Pictures of the Week". I sadly think this butcher shop is no longer there. C'est la vie. 

Monday, June 5, 2017

Picture of the Week # 445 "Proud Chef of Xi'An" Xi'An, China 2015 Signed & Stamped

When I went to Shanghai for my One Man exhibit at the ArtNSpace Gallery I found I had a few days off between the installation and the official Opening. So I decided to go to Xi'An to see the Terra Cotta Warriors. I quickly learned they are 3 hours away by plane. I went for it, after all how many times would I have the opportunity to see these National Treasures in their original habitat? I checked in to a new Hotel near the site where the manager and I had a drink and I learned that he used to be the Manager of a Hotel here in L.A.. He Googled my name and therefore decided to treat me like a celebrity. The Warriors are a 45 minute drive from Xi'an and this is the best and newest hotel. It was terrific, but I did have to get used to the fact that I was probably the only guest in 450 rooms. I didn't mind. Anyway, I walked all over Xi'an taking picture after picture. When I past this proud chef sitting out in front of his kitchen I couldn't help myself. He was very obliging. I also made a B&W print which my wife loves. 

Monday, May 29, 2017

Picture of the Week #444 "Enlightened" San Francisco, California 2017 Signed & Stamped

My beautiful wife Ann and I went to San Francisco for a birthday celebration of our friend Kimberly Brody. We arrived on Friday and stayed at the Mark Hopkins and walked up and down the voluminous hills. On a side street I noticed this painted wall. It almost glowed. I also found that the fan in the right hand window looked very much like Mickey Mouse. I can't comment on that. 

Monday, May 22, 2017

Picture of the Week #443 "Party Time" Beverly Hills, California 2017 Signed & Stamped

When I popped in to Mouche Gallery to check on my work that is there I noticed that they were getting ready for an opening for Douglas Kirkland. I always thought of Douglas as a celebrity photographer, but he had just composed a suite of letters of the entire alphabet with a model and some exquisite calligraphy. A very striking series and completely different than his Hollywood images.  I did not attend his opening as I am reluctant to go to those as I am more interested in seeing the work than I am in schmoozing. I hope it went well as I like Douglas and his wonderful wife and partner Francoise, and only wish the best for them. 

Monday, May 15, 2017

Picture of the Week #442 "Class Outing" Giza, Egypt 1989 Signed & Stamped

It started when I was given $10,000 per diem and a first class round trip ticket from L.A. to Tokyo for an art show of my work. I asked if I could exchange it so I could go around the world. They said yes, and even gave me an additional $500 as believe it or not but around the world was cheaper than a return flight. I remember the car taking me from the airport out to Giza to my hotel. I saw the pyramids literally across the street. When the bellman opened my shutters I was flabbergasted to see just how close. I immediately grabbed my cameras and headed out. I walked past guides with their camels offering for me to take them. I shrugged them off at first and  just walked around on my own snapping away. After being inundated by everyone asking me to take them or sticking out their hands for some coins I quickly realized that the best way to stop them was to hire one. I did. He and his camel took me around. When we were at the largest of the pyramids I found a group of students with their teacher. I motioned that I would like to take their picture. They lined up obligingly. And here you have it. 

Monday, May 8, 2017

Picture of the Week #441 "Park Sculpture" Beverly Hills, California 2017 Signed & Stamped

On my way to my car I passed this sculpture that I had passed many many times before, but not with this dramatic lighting. I whipped out my handy camera and took a couple of quick shots before the sky darkened. I did very little manipulation to heighten this already surreal image. I was hoping to come up with a clever title but nothing seemed to  fit. 

Monday, May 1, 2017

Picture of the Week #440 "Anonymous" Los Angeles, California 2015 Signed & Stamped

When I was photographing downtown street artists I came across SEK. That was his "handle" or nick name while his real name was James. A very sweet and intelligent young man who had been incarcerated when he was 12, a junkie and an all around fuck-up. He made a complete turn around with his life and now makes these extraordinary paintings with very intellectual statements. When you read what he is saying you realize you are dealing with a very bright and deep thinking young man. The wall & window behind him are his paintings. 

Monday, April 24, 2017

Picture of the Week #439 "Operatic" Hong Kong, China 2007 Signed & Stamped

I was asked to place a large painting of mine in a Christies auction in Hong Kong. The woman who asked me was running a gallery in San Francisco and was placing some of their paintings and thought mine would be a good fit. She was wrong. It didn't sell. But I did go around and get lots of photos, had a great time and got this picture of the Opera star. If memory serves me correctly it was at the "Bun Festival". I'd love to describe what the "Bun Festival" is only it's beyond me and would be better served if it was Googled. 

Monday, April 17, 2017

Picture of the Week #438 "The Lords" Brooklyn, New York 1972 Signed & Stamped

These boys helped change my life. Yes, this is from "The Lords of Flatbush" my first feature motion picture that I wrote, produced & directed back in 1972. It was the first film for Sylvester Stallone before "Rocky", and Henry Winkler before "Fonzie". And Perry King, on the right replaced Richard Gere after I was pushed and convinced to replace him. Richard was terrific and responsible for some of the best dialog in the pigeon coop with Sly and thankfully Perry did a wonderful job in reciting what Richard had ad libbed. As "Rocky" & "Happy Days" went on to great heights, it gave my film additional distribution and I for one am very happy.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Picture of the Week # 437 "Guarding Lenin"  Moscow, Russia 1988 Signed & Stamped

With all the talk of Russia in the news these days I thought I would post this image of Soldiers guarding Lenin's tomb. I was in Russia for the first Soviet / American interchange of film makers. They showed our films but didn't have subtitles. So one man sat in the back of the theater and translated all of the parts. Man, woman, and child. I was inspired to photograph wherever I went especially Red Square. Would I return? I doubt it although my dear wife has not been and maybe one day if peace prevails then I would take her. 

Monday, April 3, 2017

Picture of the Week # 436 "Where To Go" Hong Kong, China 2007 Signed & Stamped

I had two paintings in auction at Christies in Hong Kong China. I used the potential sale as the reason to go over there with Sarah Zhu who was responsible for placing the paintings. Sadly they didn't reach my reserve price. On the other hand I still enjoy the images as one is hanging in my living room. Happily the prices have gone way up since, but I am not placing any images into auction in the foreseeable future. I am zeroed in with my photography and have decided to hold off selling any paintings for a while. This photo was taken in the Musuem stairwell. I couldn't have choreographed it any better. 

Monday, March 27, 2017

Picture of the Week #435 "Crossing the Street" Dordogne, France 1990 Signed & Stamped

As you know if you have been following my Blogs, I spent a great deal of time living in France over the years. In 1990 I went for a visit and as always had my camera and caught this man crossing the street in a village in the Dordogne area of France. You can almost smell the aquavit or pernod on his breath. Sadly many of these seasoned men in caps are disappearing, It is quite obvious when you see them playing Boule in the many parks. It used to be filled with men in berets and now they are without hats and in shiny workout clothes. The times are a changing. 

Monday, March 20, 2017

Picture of the Week #434 "Tired in Casablanca" Casablanca, Morocco 1986 Signed & Stamped

I've been to Morocco three times. The first time in 1965. The second in 1971 and then in 1986 when I went with a group of film makers as we were being wooed to shoot our next film in Morocco at a new facility and studio that they were supposedly building in Ourrzazate, at the edge of the Sahara.  The facility itself was not completely built but there was a one mile long wall with only one opening in and out for cars and buses to go through. We drove through and there was nothing but desert on the other side. We laughed as they told us how this was going to be a state of the art facility. Only we have to wait years for the completion. We left. When we were back in Casablanca I walked all over and found some interesting images, this was one of them.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Picture of the Week #433 "Flute for Food" Paris, France, 1982 Signed & Stamped

Roaming the streets of Paris for hours I often come across people that are just begging for me take their picture. Of course I am being snarky by saying that, but what I am trying to say is that as I roam I discover people doing sometimes mundane and sometimes exceptional things. Or in this case just graphically appealing to my camera. It's no secret that Paris is extraordinary in what it offers me visually. 

Monday, March 6, 2017

Picture of the Week #432 "The Grand Canal" Venice, Italy 1986 Signed & Stamped

Venice Italy is one of my absolute favorite places on earth. Even during the heavy tourist times like the Carnivale, it is still magic. Long before I went to the Carnivale I would go and roam the canals and take pictures. One of my favorite things to do. Once my wife gave me a slide scanner back in 2002 I was able to take my 35mm transparencies and convert them to digital files and in this case turn them Black & White. The print I made of this image came out so majestically that I decided to make it my Picture of the Week. 

Monday, February 27, 2017

Picture of the Week #431 "Eavesdropping on a Drawing" Paris, France 1994 Signed & Stamped

I love taking pictures and I especially love taking them in Museums. Here's one I took in the Louvre and loved the interplay between the inquisitive statue and the living artist absorbed in her work. Not to mention the lighting. It all worked in my favor. One day I will do a book of images from Museums, and I also want to do one on Churches from around the world. For a born again Agnostic I visit more Churches than most devout Christians. But don't let me digress, this is about people in Museums. 

Monday, February 20, 2017

Picture of the Week #430 "On three ... " Bangkok, Thailand 1989 Signed & Stamped

As usual I couldn't resist taking this picture. I have been focusing in more and more on "Pictures That Make You Smile" and working towards a show and a book and this fit right in. Obviously my titles add to the humor as I think it does here. This unsuspecting woman sitting there not realizing the sculptures were looking at her with rifles in their hands. I hope it makes you smile.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Picture of the Week #429 "Hop Scotch Heat" Santa Monica, California 2017 Signed & Stamped

While still recouping from the terrible flu and a  month later stomach poisoning that I have been going through since January 2nd and today is February 13th, I'm was fed up with this feeling as I'm constantly tired and chilled. I am hoping that I am in the last throws of this dreaded epidemic that so many of my friends have been going through. So, when I was feeling slightly better yesterday my gorgeous wife Ann and I decided to walk along the pathway above the beach in Santa Monica. As I was shooting the sailboats I noticed beneath me someone walking with what I thought was a head scarf. I quickly grabbed the shot and that was it. When I got home I noticed that the person wasn't wearing a scarf but had a towel draped over their head as they had probably just come back from jogging. And as luck would have it I framed this shot perfectly to align with the graphics of the sun splashing on the walk. I don't think I could have planned it better.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Picture of the Week #428 "You're Some Tomato" Los Angeles,  CA  2014 Signed & Stamped

I thought I I took this picture when we were in the South of France sometime in 2009 or 2010 or even 2011. But when I found the original file I noticed that it was taken in 2014 here in Los Angeles. There is obviously something erotic, and even phallic in this image. I also think it's funny. Definitely one for my "Pictures That You Smile" series. No matter where I took this, it still elicits a smile.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Picture of the Week #427 "Branching Out" Beverly Hills, California 2013 Signed & Stamped

There was something going on in Beverly Hills and as i was nonchalantly walking I noticed this strange character standing on the tree. I have no idea what possesses someone to dress up like this and parade themselves through a crowd. Is he protesting? Supporting? What is his statement? I believe if you are going through all the trouble of making an outfit and putting it on and parading through a crowd there is something you want to convey. I'll be damned if I know what it is, only that he made me smile.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Picture of the Week #426 "Carnivale Crowd" Venice, Italy 2011 Signed & Stamped

I remember standing on the bridge looking down to see the swarm of people coming towards me. I grabbed this one quick shot and love the woman with the floating eye as well as the masked reveler nearest to me. They make the shot in my estimation. The Carnivale is truly one of my memorable photographic excursions and I find it hard to understand why I am having such a difficult time in placing the colorful images into a gallery.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Picture of the Week #425 "Monster Mash" Beverly Hills, California 2016 Signed & Stamped

On my usual walk through Beverly Hills around the holidays I came across this window display. Frankly I didn't give it much thought, I snapped one picture and moved on. Now that I am working on "Pictures That Make You Smile" I thought this fit right in. I'm slowly trying to brand myself as a humorous photojournalist. I see things differently than most photographers. Hopefully my pictures bring joy and smiles to the viewer. I had said years ago that I was tired of portraits of dead celebrities, pictures of Half Dome and images from war, and I wondered why there couldn't be worthwhile pictures that make you smile. Well, maybe, just maybe these will catch on. Stay tuned.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Picture of the Week #424 "Congestion" Venice, California 2016 Signed & Stamped

Ann went with me to the doctors. She said bring your camera and we'll take a walk along Ocean Avenue when we're through. Never would I not do what my beautiful wife demands. So like a complaint and dutiful husband I obeyed. We strolled along the upper corniche and I think to myself that this could have been much worse as the Doctor could have given me bad news. But thankfully this day I was in the clear and glorious sunshine. I clicked off a few shots but nothing to write home about. And as Ann has a penchant to do, she suddenly announces that it's time to go home. She must have hit her "bored" meter redline. I shuffle along behind her. Then for some unknown reason I turn and walk to the railing and shoot off a few more images of the parking lot & the beach. That was it till I go them home and saw that I for some reason I had made them very dark. But I liked them. I put them into the computer and turned them balk & white and that was it. It was like they were meant to be taken only this way. I emailed them to Meridith Baer my biggest collector and sure enough she bought 2 of the parking lot and four of the beach. That was my kind of day, Take the photo and sell it all in one day. If only every day could be like this one.

Monday, January 2, 2017

Picture of the Week #423 "Waiting, Watching, Wondering" West Hollywood, California 2016 Signed & Stamped

I stopped by MOCA in West Hollywood to see this furniture exhibit by Rick Owens who I believe is married to Michele Lamy who gave me my breakout show "Holy Men, Medicine Men, Mad Men" back in 2002 at her gallery "Les Deux Cafe". She also put on this exhibit so I was anxious to see it. Sadly it didn't knock me out. Yes, I did like some of the pieces, but it all felt like style over function. The function may have been purposely ignored but I just didn't get it. The bench these two people were sitting on was one of the more interesting pieces. I'm also not a fan of the image hanging on the wall. These two people were sitting and looking at it and I was wondering what they saw in it or were they just resting?