Monday, January 9, 2017

Picture of the Week #424 "Congestion" Venice, California 2016 Signed & Stamped

Ann went with me to the doctors. She said bring your camera and we'll take a walk along Ocean Avenue when we're through. Never would I not do what my beautiful wife demands. So like a complaint and dutiful husband I obeyed. We strolled along the upper corniche and I think to myself that this could have been much worse as the Doctor could have given me bad news. But thankfully this day I was in the clear and glorious sunshine. I clicked off a few shots but nothing to write home about. And as Ann has a penchant to do, she suddenly announces that it's time to go home. She must have hit her "bored" meter redline. I shuffle along behind her. Then for some unknown reason I turn and walk to the railing and shoot off a few more images of the parking lot & the beach. That was it till I go them home and saw that I for some reason I had made them very dark. But I liked them. I put them into the computer and turned them balk & white and that was it. It was like they were meant to be taken only this way. I emailed them to Meridith Baer my biggest collector and sure enough she bought 2 of the parking lot and four of the beach. That was my kind of day, Take the photo and sell it all in one day. If only every day could be like this one.

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