Monday, March 26, 2012

Picture of the Week #174 "Holyman of Kathmandu"

Picture of the Week #174 "Holy Man of Kathmandu" Kathmandu, Nepal 2000 Signed and Stamped

There are very few places on earth as exotic as Kathmandu in Nepal. Holy men sit on corners
waiting for handouts so they will pray for you. Amazingly, these people are clean and all have containers where food is kept. They can sit for hours on end and for a few cents from our pockets, it enriches their day. But beware if you take out money to give a beggar, more will suddenly appear out of nowhere. But by giving to the Holy man he will raise his hand in peace.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Picture of the Week #173 "Can Can & the Nun"

Picture of the Week #173 "Can Can & the Nun" Madrid, Spain 1987 Signed and Stamped

I know it's slightly out of focus, but when you shoot on the run like in the old days and don't have time to set F stops or anything but don't want to miss the shot ... this is what you get. One of the advantages or in some cases disadvantages of the digital revolution. This was originally shot like most of my pre 2003 pictures on 35mm transparency film. Slides in other words. And no she is not going to slip in that door and drop her habit and start kick stepping with the rest of the girls.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Picture of the Week #172 "Mime Before Makeup"

Picture of the Week #172 "Mime Before Makeup" Aix en Provence, France 2002 Signed and Stamped

Mimes are everywhere these days. But to find one before they put on their makeup was unusual. At the open air market in Aix en Provence I happened on this guy preparing his act. I did not come back to see his pose as I was busy picking up supplies and grabbing a shot here and there just to keep my creative juices going.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Picture of the Week #171 " Midnight at the Oasis"

Picture of the Week #171 "Midnight at the Oasis" Bel Air, California 2012 Signed and Stamped

Getting out of our car in the driveway the other night I looked up and saw the full moon ominously hovering over the trees. I grabbed my trusty hip point and shoot and fired away. Not bad for a $100 camera. When I printed this out on a semi gloss paper at 13" X 19" it looked like a scene from a John Carpenter horror movie, only somehow more beautiful.