Monday, November 27, 2017

Picture of the Week #465 "Color Coordinated Construction" Paris, France 2017 Signed & Stamped

Once again on my many walks through Paris I encountered this construction worker who seemed to have selected his clothes to match the site. He was very intent on what he was doing as I stood there clicking away. He knew I was there but was kind enough to let me take my pictures. I have no idea what they were digging for but it amused me no end to see how Paris is still a fashion capitol. 

Monday, November 20, 2017

Picture of the Week #464 "Motorcycle Indian" Paris, France 2017 Signed & Stamped

Gallery & Museum hoping in my favorite city, Paris, I came across this installation. I had to photograph it and show it to you. I have no idea what the artist means by this but I still found it intriguing enough to record it for my Picture of the Week. If anyone knows please let me know the meaning. Till then, onwards.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Picture of the Week #463 "Peanut Ants" Paris, France 2017 Signed & Stamped

How could I not take this photo when I was doing my walk through Paris and checking out the shop windows. There it was. I don't remember what the shop was selling as I only clicked once and then walked on to catch up with my wife Ann. Paris shop windows are sometimes so dramatic and unique that they just call out to be photographed. It's one of my favorite things to do and Paris always offers wonderful images to immortalize.

Monday, November 6, 2017

Picture of the Week #462 "Red Undies" Naples, Italy 2017 Signed & Stamped

What could I say as I was not very fond of Naples. I found it an incredibly dirty and hostile city. An example was when we were having lunch and the chair next to me was empty and the man was sitting there by himself and I asked very pleasantly if I could put my cameras on the chair next to me but at his table. He bluntly said "NO!" I thought maybe someone was joining him but as he was finishing up I realized he was just being an asshole and of course I loudly explained so that he could hear me what an asshole he was. I put my cameras on the ground and ate a mediocre meal and chalked the experience up to the shit you run into sometimes.