Monday, October 8, 2018

Picture of the Week #509 "Here's Looking At You" Thimphu, Bhutan 2000 Signed & Stamped

Again I am posting an image from our trip to Bhutan, the small tiny nation North of India, East of China and South of Tibet. Everyone there wear colorful garb. The men are all in sneakers. Mind you I was there 18 years ago this month and they had just begun to have television. There are no traffic lights in the country. Also no booze. We had our wine brought in. Then it was ruled by a 48 year old King who happened to have gone to Harvard. His degree for his people is happiness. There is free medical care and little crime. An extraordinary nation. It has never been invaded even though it is surrounded by powerful and sometimes aggressive nations. 

Monday, October 1, 2018

Picture of the Week #508 "Use Me" Thimpu, Bhutan 2000 Signed & Stamped

When I turned 60 a good friend of ours in Gstaad Switzerland said she wanted to take us for my birthday. All we had to do was meet her in Delhi India and the rest was on her. So off we went. There were only five us. My friend, her then then boyfriend who was also a very dear friend and another woman and a guide. We had a small mini van and off we went. We travelled through the still unknown country to my friends back home. Everyone wore colorful striped outfits and sneakers. Mind you this was 18 years ago. The King was 48 years old and had gone to Harvard. His degree for his people was happiness. Also plastic was forbidden and there were no traffic lights. A Policeman stood on the corners directing traffic. It was a fabulous trip where I got many photos. In those days I only shot 35mm transparencies. So I had no idea if my pictures turned out till I got home and had the film developed. Lucky for me they turned out and here is one of them. 

Monday, September 24, 2018

Picture of the Week #507 "Nuns Nuns & More Nuns" Rome, Italy 1990 Signed & Stamped

I was going to title this image "Preaching to the Choir" but obviously decided against it. I tried posting this image the first thing this morning but I had computer issues. I tried for three hours. I was beyond frustrated so I went to meet my magnificent wife for lunch and to get away from the computer. I also contacted a good friend of mine who actually reads the instruction booklets. I don't. I just jump right in. After lunch he was gracious enough to come over and help me. Most of the things he did worked, some did not. I declared in a fit if anger and frustration; "that's it! I'm done". He left. Now that he is gone and I am finally calming down I was able to post this image that I have had for 27 years. One day I will know how to manipulate and post properly. Hopefully that day comes soon. 

Monday, September 17, 2018

Picture of the Week #506 "Vhal Infront of his Painting" Los Angeles, California 2016 Signed & Stamped 

When I went downtown a couple of years ago with my friend and Art dealer Eliane Gans we met with James who goes under the name "Vyal", a local street artist. He's a big hulking and rather intimidating presence but once you get to know him he's a giant pussy cat. I don't know if he'll like that description but I immediately liked him and any negative thoughts quickly dissipated. He was very amenable to having me take his picture. This painting that he had done was on the front of a large building that housed artists's makeshift studios. When I asked him to pose for me he responded by doing so without one word spoken. I love the juxtaposition of the hulking artist and his colorful painting. 

Monday, September 10, 2018

Picture of the Week #505 "Kissed From Behind" Malibu, California 2008 Signed & Stamped

We took our friend and my biggest photo collector Meridith Baer out to lunch for her birthday in Malibu overlooking the ocean. When a trio of people who I presume are in show business sat at the next table. I couldn't help but take a picture of the woman's hair. At the table she began singing along with the music in the restaurant and I felt she has to be an entertainer. It was not a great stretch as she later stood up and sang. Later when she went out onto the beach she adorned her lovely face with a a pair of Dolce & Cabbana initialed sun glasses. She stepped out into the water holding her phone in the air and not worrying that her clothes were going to be wet. A free spirit.

Monday, September 3, 2018

Picture of the Week #504 "Mummy Watch" Paris, France 2003 Signed & Stamped

I couldn't resist posting this picture today as we are going off to Paris and Egypt in October & November. This photo was taken back in 2003 just before I went digital. Obviously I liked the composition and the expression on the walking man's face. I don't remember what brought us to Paris but suffice it to say that I think of Paris as our second home as we are frequently there. My dear wife Ann's birthday is near the end of October and I wanted to surprise her by taking her to see the Pyramids. But the trip is too extensive to keep it a secret so I told her. At first she didn't seem to be thrilled. But when she saw that the terrorism has subsided and that there are first class hotels she warmed up. I didn't mention the food. I was there back in 1989  but I only saw the pyramids and Cairo and this time I look forward to going down the Nile to Luxor and seeing what I missed the first time I was there. 

Monday, August 27, 2018

Picture of the Week #503 "Your Move" Moscow, Russia 1988 Signed & Stamped

Okay, I know this is the third image from Russia that I have posted in the last three weeks. As Russia has been so prominent in the news lately I thought I would do a nostalgic turn and head back to the Communist heartland and post these few images. As you may or may not remember I was there as part of a small celebrity group of film stars and makers to show our films. As I am a compulsive photographer I always hit the streets to see what the people are up to and to capture my memories on film and now digitally. I was the only one of the group who took pictures. It was way before everyone  had cell phones. I am putting an album together of the images I took while over there, but I purposely did not include the celebrities. They're for another time.

Monday, August 20, 2018

Picture of the Week #502 "Slow Dance" Moscow, Russia 1988 Signed & Stamped

When I went to Russia back in 1988, I caught this group of dancers in the ballroom of the hotel where I was staying. I love the woman on the left who is looking at her partner with such admiration, that seemed to melt away all of the heaviness that is so prevalent in Moscow and for that matter all of Russia in those days. I haven't been back so I don't know if things lightened up since then. The reason I have been posting images from Russia is that it seems to be in the news every day lately and I thought it was a good time to post some of the images. Enjoy.

Monday, August 13, 2018

Picture of the Week #501 "Moscow Marathon" Moscow, Russia 1988 Signed & Stamped

When I went to Russia to show two of my movies, I was with many celebrities. I reconnected with Richard Gere who I had worked with on my first film "The Lords of Flatbush". Richard headed up a celebrity committee of actors, producers & directors of which I was one. When I was going through the city in the back of some rickety old car I saw these runners coming at me. I grabbed the camera and snapped this image. Now 29 years later here I am posting it. 

Monday, August 6, 2018

Picture of the Week #500 "Mirrored Me" Bel Air, California 2016 Signed & Stamped

I wanted to show something a little different as this is the 500th week of my sending out a photo every Monday.  I can't believe it has been going on this long. Thankfully it has been a modestly successful way for me to inform my collector base, friends, gallerists and other interested parties of my passion. This was a fun experiment one day and I found it interesting but not something that I wanted to turn into a series. 

Monday, July 30, 2018

Picture of the Week #499 "Flip Flop Floating" Nice, France 2017 Signed & Stamped

As we cruised the croissette of Nice I looked down to see this woman floating using her flip flops on her hands. The water was so crystal clear I wanted to jump in. But we were on our way somewhere and the opportunity never materialized. I still think about living in the South of France or Northern Italy. I love the architecture and the Italian people, but nothing works and they are not exactly known for fulfilling what they say. If you have a handyman come to the house it is usual for him too say "I'll be back tomorrow". But he never arrives. Then you run into him at a cafe for lunch and he charmingly says "no problem I come tomorrow. Months could go by when suddenly he arrives and it gets done. Well this photo was taken in August when everyone was on holiday. So I wouldn't put it past him to suddenly be floating next to this girl with flip flops. 

Monday, July 23, 2018

Picture off the Week #498 "Big Talker" Giza, Egypt 1989 Signed & Stamped

On my 1989 trip around the world, I had to stop off in Egypt to see the pyramids. I quickly understood that I had to have a guide to show me around. I hired this young man to take me out to the three pyramids with his camel. We got on and rode out to the monuments that I had always longed to see. When we got closer he turns around to me and says: "You kiss me now? I told him that I was not doing that. He didn't press the issue. Later he took me even further out to some guy sitting on a blanket in the middle of nowhere. My illustrious guide says you buy me drink? I said sure and this guy pulls back a blanket and underneath are a bunch of sodas. Not exactly cold, but not bad being we are in the Sahara. We gulped them down and continued on my guided tour. When we stopped for me to take pictures I caught this image. I don't remember now what he was saying or why. I just know that ride was something that I will always cherish.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Picture of the Week #497 "An Informal Chat" Alcaniz, Spain 1987 Signed & Stamped

Back in '87 I was living with a fun lady who easily convinced me to go to Spain. Off we went. But the trip had some bumps as she and I began arguing. She would sulk. I would go off and take pictures. We'd make up over cold sangria and everything would be fine until the next day. To sum the trip up I got lots of photos and after three years of living together we broke up. C'est la vie. 

Monday, July 9, 2018

Picture of the Week #496 "Flamenco Frenzy" Madrid, Spain 1987 

On my second trip to Spain, the first was when I was on my first honeymoon. The second was with a live in girl friend way after my divorce. For some reason I am drawn to flamenco and to the bull ring. I am addicted to seeing the pomp and ceremony before a bull fight. I always top them off when I go to the Corral de Moreria to watch them flamenco, drink Sangria and celebrate. Ole'  

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Picture of the Week #495 "Waiting for the Parade" Sun Valley, Idaho1977 Signed & Stamped

If my memory still served me, then I'd be able to give you the full story as to why and how this image came to be. I do remember that it was this time of year obviously and we were in Sun Valley for something to do with my then movie career. But that's all I remember. And sadly the woman I had lived with for 3 years back then has since passed away. So that's all I got as they say. No one to ask. Well, wait a a sec, actually I had posted another take from this quick shoot back at Picture of the Week #136. It's quite good and from a completely different angle. But this image said something to me today so here it is. Just in time for the 4th.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Picture of the Week #494 "Home Sweet Home #4" Versailles, France 1989 & Venice, Italy 2011
Signed & Stamped

Here's the third iteration of these Venetian Carnival attendees that I had posted previously. I took the Festival group, that I might add, I photographed every day of my 7 day 6 night stay where this woman had a different outfit for each day. Plus she had her own hairdresser and dog attendee as you can see. This image says to me what it might have been like back in the day. Over the top and removed from what was really going on. Remember they used to decapitate in France.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Picture of the Week #493 "Anxious Matador"
Barcelona, Spain 1987

I am in the minority when it comes to bull fighting. I am for it. I look at it as art rather than cruelty. As soon as the bull is killed the meat is immediately sold thereby feeding lots of enthusiasts. When hunger is world wide then I am all for feeding the people. The pageantry, the ritual, and the spectacle are all extremely exciting. And yes is does help if there is a good matador who creates a clean kill that makes it worthwhile. 

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Picture of the Week #492 "Monk in White" Bangkok, Thailand 1989 Signed & Stamped

This was taken when I was going around the world back in 1989. I saw this Monk in white coming towards me and was struck by his look. I immediately snapped this image. In those days I shot 35mm transparency film so I had no idea if I had the shot so I just had to wait till the film was processed. When I was back here in L.A. I was pleasantly surprised as to how this photo turned out. I was also struck by how neat and clean his white robe and shirt were. 

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Picture of the Week #491 "Prayer Meeting" Cairo, Egypt 1989 Signed & Stamped

On my 1989 around the world whirlwind tour I most definitely had to stop in Cairo. What I really meant is to see the Pyramids which are actually in Giza. No matter, I went to both. Walking through the city I happened on these men sitting outside and praying. Not knowing any better to perhaps before the thought of being an intruder I calmly walked up and took this picture. There were no comments or reactions from them and I meandered on my way.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Picture of the Week #490 "Camel Jockeys" Giza, Egypt 1989 Signed & Stamped 

On my last leg of my 1989 Around the World tour I had to see the pyramids. Much to my chagrin, I only went to Giza & Cairo and missed Luxor. This gives me every good reason to return with my beautiful wife Ann whom I sadly didn't know at the time. I'm going through some serious health issues right now but once we get through this most horrible time in my life I will reward us by seeing Luxor and the Temple of Theibs. When I was looking for this weeks Picture of the Week I was originally looking for another image from Egypt. This image came up and I was surprised that I had overlooked it till now. But better late than never. I also liked the fact that the background looks like the desert sand and I'll be damned if I remember how much manipulation if any I had done to this image. 

Monday, May 14, 2018

Picture of the Week #489 "Guarding Mao's Entrance" Beijing, China 2014 Signed & Stamped 

Another from my China trip. Every once in a while I go through previous folders and always seem to find an overlooked image, this was one of them. I love the graphics of this picture. I also found that I took some horizontal images of the same Soldier but decided after some deliberation to go with this one. I hope you like it.

Monday, May 7, 2018

Picture of the Week #488 "Every Saint Has a Past to Scary to Look At" Los Angeles, California 2016 Signed & Stamped

I was working on a small series of Downtown Street Artists and PoP Legends to be held at the Container Yard a few years back. I really liked the artists that I encountered and they were more than obliging in allowing me to photograph them. This is one of a young man named "SEK". Of course that is his street name. I found his story of being homeless and in jail and finding himself through his art extremely inspiring. He was one of the sweetest young men I had met and was astounded by his deep thinking and philosophy. 

Monday, April 30, 2018

Picture of the Week #487 "Sweeping the Light" Venice, Italy 2017 Signed & Stamped

At the Venice Biennale last year I encountered this artist sweeping up the light. As he stroked his broom over the light the image became smaller. It was a very cool installation, if I could call it that. He would make the light smaller and smaller and then poof it was gone. Then it would come back and he would go through the process once again.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Picture of the Week #486 "Amalfi Chotskies" Amalfi, Italy 2017 Signed & Stamped

Another image from our trip last summer. Even though I primarily think of myself as a "people" photographer, I sometime enjoy the occasional graphic image without people.  This one obviously caught my eye. They are olive oil bottles and obviously cups and saucers along with some soaps. 

Monday, April 16, 2018

Picture of the Week #485 "Missed St. Paddy Day Parade" Los Angeles, California 2018

Walking down Wilshire Blvd on my way to my car I passed a couple of Galleries. I stopped in. Nothing to rave about so I left. When I was walking through the parking lot I saw this woman sitting there. I thought she looked very strange. I asked her if I could take her photo. She jumped up and said yes. I surprised myself as I usually don't ask permission first. I normally just click and then ask. This way if they say "No" then I already know I have the shot. If they say "Yes" I click off a few more takes. Not only did she say yes, but she wanted to take my pictures with my camera. I told her I have enough photos of me. I just want her. One more snap and I was off. This was way after St. Patricks' Day and here she was all decked out in shamrocks and her green hat & wig. Another character encounter.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Picture of the Week #484 "Paris Stairs" Paris, France 2017 Signed & Stamped

Somewhere in our roaming around Paris last summer I encountered this hallway with the spiral staircase heading to the sky. I don't remember where we were or even if it was in a hotel that we were staying in. It doesn't look familiar. Anyway, I loved the graphics of the stairs as well as the lighting and color. If my memory returns then I will post where this was in case anyone who goes to Paris wants to see it.  

Monday, April 2, 2018

Picture of the Week #483 "Parade Float" Gstaad, Switzerland 2006 Signed & Stamped

Visiting friends in Gstaad, we happened on a mini parade. I don't know what they were celebrating but when I took this picture I was taken by the expression on the woman's face and the straw beneath the flute player next to her. The parade consisted of maybe 5 horse drawn wagons, and everyone in period costume. Not huge by any stretch of the imagination, but colorful nonetheless.

Monday, March 26, 2018

Picture of the Week #482 "Not Talking" San Gimignano, Italy Signed & Stamped

I always liked this image. I know there is a story behind their expressions. All I could do is take a quick snap and move on. As you see the image is not dated as I can't remember when I was there. I could go through my files and search for the date and will probably do that later today.  But for now, here it is. You can make up your own scenario as to what's going on between these two men. For a change, I did not put the black frame around this image. But might add it at a later date.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Picture of the Week #481"Feet Tapping" Amalfi, Italy 2017 Signed & Stamped

When we took the ferry over to Amalfi I went upstairs to check out the view. This is what I encountered as I came up the stairs. A quick snap and it's recorded. To say we had a great time at our friend Joyce's house would be an understatement. It was glorious. Plus, as you can even see in this image the weather was on our side. 

Monday, March 12, 2018

Picture of the Week #480 "Balancing Act" Matera, Italy 2017 Signed & Stamped

I can't say that I loved the south of Italy as much as I adore the north. Maybe I am prejudiced because of the rudeness and filth of Naples. But I still took my photos and this is this week's choice for the Picture of the Week. I loved the way the glasses were just stacked one on top of the other while she set the table. I don't remember if it was a good meal. By not remembering I am more inclined to think that it was a forgettable meal at best. Sad, because this is Italy where the food is cherished. 

Monday, March 5, 2018

Picture of the Week #479 "Checking Messages" Paris, France 2017 Signed & Stamped

Photographing on the streets of Paris at night is one of my favorite things. I don't know why I was so attracted to this image but I must have found it worthy to record. He is very intent as most of us are checking our phones. I liked the color background of the grocery store and his postures well. 

Monday, February 26, 2018

Picture of the Week #478 "Westward Ho" Sun Valley, Idaho 2005 Signed & Stamped

When visiting friends at their vacation home in Sun Valley, we went to see a parade. As I grew up in Brooklyn and educated in Manhattan and then moved to Los Angeles, I never really encounter cowboys in my realm. So, this was unique for me. I hustled around shooting photos. And then enjoyed what was so alien to me. 

Monday, February 19, 2018

Picture of the Week #477 "Solemn Moment" Paris, France 2017 Signed & Stamped

For a non-religious person I seem to take tons of pictures in Churches. I don't know why. Perhaps it's my innate curiosity or the fact that I am a voyeur. Either way I have amassed so many pictures that one day I will try and put them together for a show. In the meantime this picture will have to do. 

Monday, February 12, 2018

Picture of the Week #476 "Wrapped Buddha" Bangkok, Thailand 1989 Signed & Stamped

This is another image from my Around the World Trip of 1989. As you might realize, these images from back then were shot on film. Thankfully, since then, I went digital as I used to have to carry around hundreds of rolls of 35mm transparencies. I would shoot and then lug the un-developed film till I was back in Los Angeles before I would see what the image looked like. Every time I had to go through security and they would Xray my bags and see all the film canisters they would look at me to make sure I wasn't a drug mule. I am so grateful to digital.  

Monday, February 5, 2018

Picture of the Week #475 "ThePit" Bangkok, Thailand, 1989 Signed & Stamped

When I was going around the world one of my favorite stop overs was in Bangkok. I don't remember going to any zoos but when I came across this image I wasn't sure exactly where in Bangkok I took it.  I also have no idea why the water looked this way but was fascinated enough to record it. I was thinking of coming up with some witty title for this picture but decided to just be straight forward and call it what it is. 

Monday, January 29, 2018

Picture of the week #474 "Umbrella City"Santa Monica, California 2017 Signed & Stamped

On one of our many walks along Ocean avenue in Santa Monica, you can't help but see the many umbrellas hogging the beach and therefore I had to capture it. I did manipulate some of the sand on the bottom to steer the viewers focus to the colorful umbrellas.  

Monday, January 22, 2018

Picture of the Week #473 "Ditch Digging" Hang Chow, China 1980 Signed & Stamped

On my first trip to Mainland China I was originally there to scout locations for a motion picture that I was set to direct. As I might have said before in one of my posts, the film was supposed to star Ingrid Bergman. Sadly she fell ill and the film was cancelled. I spent the next year back home going through all of the slides that I had taken and chose a number to paint from. That was when I came upon the idea of doing life size cut outs. My friends would all ask "What's China like?" and I would answer people, people and bicycles. Today it's cars everywhere. I was blown away at the progress that China has gone through in such a short period of time. Anyway, here's what it used to look like. 

Monday, January 15, 2018

Picture of the Week #472  "Nude Watch" Los Angeles, California 2017 Signed & Stamped

I went to the L.A. Art Fair downtown and came across various installations that I liked. Obviously I photographed them. When I was back here in my studio I started to manipulate and combine them and finally adding a cloud at the bottom. I find this image very funny and that it requires a second look. I hope others enjoy it as much. It will be part of a my ongoing hard cover book project of "Pictures That Make You Smile". I'll let you know when it's completed in case you want one. Till then keep smiling.

Monday, January 8, 2018

Picture of the Week #471 "Contemplating Picasso" Paris, France 2017 Signed & Stamped

Roaming the galleries in the various Paris Museums I came a cross this woman who stood mesmerized by the small Picasso on the wall. As she stood there I couldn't help myself but to quickly record her intensity and interest. I moved on after the shutter snapped. 

Monday, January 1, 2018

Picture of the Week #470 "Painted Painter" Paris, France 2017 Signed & Stamped

I would love to take credit for setting this image up but to be honest it was an installation in a Museum in Paris. It is a Duane Hanson sculpture. At first glance it looks real which is what I like. I have always been intrigued by his work as well as John deAndrea who did life like nudes. Our friend Joyce Brandman has one of the nudes in her guest powder room. It is very strange to go into a toilet and have a life like statue watching you. These sculptures have become cost prohibitive for me but I can certainly appreciate them.