Sunday, April 8, 2012

Picture of the Week #176 "Rainbow in Curved Air"

Picture of the Week #176 "Rainbow in Curved Air" Los Angeles, California 2011 Signed and Stamped

A dear friend and his wife had asked us to go with them to try a new Mediterranean restaurant where we could eat outside and enjoy the balmy evening. While sitting and waiting for our food I looked up and saw the image above. I grabbed my hip pocket and fired away as these sunsets don't last long. Then we ate. It was quite good only they hadn't received their liquor license so I had to forgo my routine glass of red. But at least I got an interesting picture.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Picture of the Week #175 "Mum's the Word"

Picture of the Week #175 "Mum's the Word" Cairo, Egypt 1989 Signed and Stamped

I loved Egypt. I was lost in the Cairo Museum for days. I scoured every inch looking at the sarcophagi from thousands of years before America. The craftsmanship, and the design, as well as the technology are unsurpassed even today. I also realized that the priceless work is pretty much taken for granted by the guards. This security guard seemed more interested in his nails than the 3 thousand year old sarcophagus lying next to him. Maybe he's just jaded as there are so many it's overwhelming.