Sunday, November 28, 2010

Picture of the Week #105 "Gursky Glasses"

Picture of the Week #105 "Gursky Glasses" Venice, California USA 2010 Signed and Stamped

Swiss photographer Andreas Gursky sold a photograph in 2007 for the highest price ever for a single photograph in an auction. It went for 3.3 million dollars. It was of a 99 cent store. The critics say that what makes Gursky's images are his manipulation and enhancements that create spaces larger than the original subjects that he photographs. In my case, I did not have to do that as this rack of sun glasses on display in Venice California was my version of a Gursky print. Now, if only I could match his prices.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Picture of the Week #104 "Call Me"

Picture of the Week #104 "Call Me" Hong Kong, China 2007 Signed and Stamped

While in Hong Kong waiting for a couple of my paintings to go into an Auction of Chinese images, I had plenty of time to explore the busy city with my camera. Most of where I was staying (Kowloon side) were fairly new non-descript buildings. Wedged in along the busy street down from the famed Peninsula Hotel I saw this intriguing wall. It was a symbol of the city to me, chaotic, colorful, and not easy to understand behind the facade. I ended up loving Hong Kong except for the humidity. But the sophistication and energy were contagious. I want to return for more.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Picture of the Week #103 "Following the Herd"

Picture of the Week #103 "Following the Herd" Masai Mara, Kenya 1987 Signed and Stamped

On our Safari Honeymoon in Africa we encountered this herd of elephants heading out to the plains. To be that close and be able to photograph them them was truly majestic. An unforgettable journey and one we are hoping to redo one day.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Picture of the Week #102 "Hurry"

Picture of the Week #102 "Hurry" Tokyo, Japan 1989 Signed and Stamped

On my trip to Japan for a show I was participating in at the Laforet Museum in the Harajuku prefecture of Tokyo, on my little time off I roamed about taking pictures. I have loved Tokyo since my first time there nine years earlier when I was on my way to China to scout locations and work on the budget of a film that never came to be. This time I was flown First Class by J.A.L. and given a large amount of money for per diem and began an around the world trip that I will always remember. Tokyo, I found to be one of the most sophisticated and extraordinary cities I had ever been to. I love it and want to return. This image summed up the hustle and bustle of a working city. What you don't see is all of the people just outside of the camera frame.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Picture of the Week #101 "Bird Watching"

Picture of the Week #101 "Bird Watching" Nanyuki, Kenya 1997 Signed and Stamped

On our honeymoon Safari to Kenya I came across this school where the students who live among the wild life were still impressed by this pair of Secretary birds. We stayed at first at the Mount Kenya Safari Club, which was very pretty and spacious but the food was lousy. And it certainly was not giving us the "African Safari" experience that we signed up for. Although they treated us wonderfully, there were few big game to see. But once we left there and headed off to private camps like Lewa Downs, and got into the Masai Mara, we got what we were looking for. This was truly one of the greatest and most memorable trips. And surprising, it was very luxurious, even if we stayed in tents with beautiful antique furniture.