Monday, May 29, 2017

Picture of the Week #444 "Enlightened" San Francisco, California 2017 Signed & Stamped

My beautiful wife Ann and I went to San Francisco for a birthday celebration of our friend Kimberly Brody. We arrived on Friday and stayed at the Mark Hopkins and walked up and down the voluminous hills. On a side street I noticed this painted wall. It almost glowed. I also found that the fan in the right hand window looked very much like Mickey Mouse. I can't comment on that. 

Monday, May 22, 2017

Picture of the Week #443 "Party Time" Beverly Hills, California 2017 Signed & Stamped

When I popped in to Mouche Gallery to check on my work that is there I noticed that they were getting ready for an opening for Douglas Kirkland. I always thought of Douglas as a celebrity photographer, but he had just composed a suite of letters of the entire alphabet with a model and some exquisite calligraphy. A very striking series and completely different than his Hollywood images.  I did not attend his opening as I am reluctant to go to those as I am more interested in seeing the work than I am in schmoozing. I hope it went well as I like Douglas and his wonderful wife and partner Francoise, and only wish the best for them. 

Monday, May 15, 2017

Picture of the Week #442 "Class Outing" Giza, Egypt 1989 Signed & Stamped

It started when I was given $10,000 per diem and a first class round trip ticket from L.A. to Tokyo for an art show of my work. I asked if I could exchange it so I could go around the world. They said yes, and even gave me an additional $500 as believe it or not but around the world was cheaper than a return flight. I remember the car taking me from the airport out to Giza to my hotel. I saw the pyramids literally across the street. When the bellman opened my shutters I was flabbergasted to see just how close. I immediately grabbed my cameras and headed out. I walked past guides with their camels offering for me to take them. I shrugged them off at first and  just walked around on my own snapping away. After being inundated by everyone asking me to take them or sticking out their hands for some coins I quickly realized that the best way to stop them was to hire one. I did. He and his camel took me around. When we were at the largest of the pyramids I found a group of students with their teacher. I motioned that I would like to take their picture. They lined up obligingly. And here you have it. 

Monday, May 8, 2017

Picture of the Week #441 "Park Sculpture" Beverly Hills, California 2017 Signed & Stamped

On my way to my car I passed this sculpture that I had passed many many times before, but not with this dramatic lighting. I whipped out my handy camera and took a couple of quick shots before the sky darkened. I did very little manipulation to heighten this already surreal image. I was hoping to come up with a clever title but nothing seemed to  fit. 

Monday, May 1, 2017

Picture of the Week #440 "Anonymous" Los Angeles, California 2015 Signed & Stamped

When I was photographing downtown street artists I came across SEK. That was his "handle" or nick name while his real name was James. A very sweet and intelligent young man who had been incarcerated when he was 12, a junkie and an all around fuck-up. He made a complete turn around with his life and now makes these extraordinary paintings with very intellectual statements. When you read what he is saying you realize you are dealing with a very bright and deep thinking young man. The wall & window behind him are his paintings.