Monday, August 29, 2016

Picture of the Week #405 "Painting An Echo" Vienna, Austria 1993 Signed & Stamped

When we went to Vienna to attend the Royal wedding of Francesca Thyssen Bornemiza to Karl Habsburg the heir apparent to the throne of Austria and the Habsburg empire, we spent a few days seeing the magnificent city. We walked all over taking in everything from the Churches to the Museums to the shops. I was mesmerized by this artist copying a still life and how accurate his painting was. I have no idea what he was going to do with it, or if it was for him or for the Museum. But one thing I did know was that it was a damned good copy and one from what I could see could easily pass as the original. All I could think of was; Buyer Beware.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Picture of the Week #404 "Home FromThe Pyramid"  Giza, Egypt 1989 Signed & Stamped

I was so glad to have been able to see the Pyramids when I did. I only wish I was with my beautiful wife Ann back then. We didn't meet for another two years. And now it's supposedly dangerous for Americans to go to Egypt. But I keep thinking that not every day or every American is targeted, and that we probably could go when we are able. I have been suffering from a very bad back and am hoping that it doesn't get in the way of our travels or my photography. I have always been fascinated by the Pyramids as supposedly they didn't have the wheel so how could they have moved those huge stones? Let alone carve them with such precision? The answers are lost for now, but I truly feel that one day they will be able to find out a logical method of building one of the greatest structures on earth.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Picture of the Week #403 "Dapper" Cogolin, France 1981 Signed & Stamped

This was taken the last year I had my house in Grimaud in the South of France. Periodically I would take pictures of the locals in the adjoining villages. I happened on this gentleman as I was strolling the town of Cogolin. He politely posed for a few snaps. Back in those days I was just snapping pictures, not really thinking of making photography a career. I used many of my photos as sketches for paintings. It's strange that I photographed people playing Boule, or Petanque as it is sometime called, but only did a couple of paintings, whereas I have hundreds of photos. I never played boule, but I always stop and watch and am fascinated by the intensity that the players have. This dapper gentleman was not playing nor even interested. He just happened to walk by and paused when I lifted my camera. He saluted me when he left.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Picture of the Week #402 "Crab Fishing in Normandie" Normandie, France 1982 Signed & Stamped

Years ago I had this wonderful girl friend who took me to visit friends of hers in a grand Chateau in Normandie. We stayed for a week or so. On one of the days we all went out crab fishing. As I'm from Brooklyn, this was very alien to a street kid like me. Needless to say I had a wonderful time. Most of the people spoke English so I didn't feel left out as my French is almost nonexistent. And I took lots of pictures. I did not pose anyone, they all just fell into place and had on the primary colors that made the entire scene look like something out of a fashion magazine. I guess I was in the right place at the right time. Seeing this image brought back many terrific memories of that week in Normandie.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Picture of the Week #401 "Resting" Shanghai, China 1980 Signed & Stamped

China has given me great images over the years. I am constantly finding old 35mm transparencies that didn't make my "MAO to NOW" shows at the ArtN Space gallery in Shanghai or at the Fowler Museum in Los Angeles. It is not the fault of the gallery or the Museum. When I rediscover them I will post them. One day I hope there will be a big coffee table book of "MAO to NOW" where I can show possibly hundreds of images that I have accumulated. Stay tuned.