Sunday, September 30, 2012

Picture of the Week #201 "Paris Fog"  Paris, France 1970 Signed and Stamped

Look closely and you'll see the Eiffel Tower. In the actual print of this image it's even harder to see. But the yellow Citroen and what I think is a Renault in front bookend the striking tower. I have had this 35mm transparency sitting in my files but never forgot it. FInally I was able to clean the slide up and make a beautiful 13" X 19" print on semi gloss paper. There's something mysterious yet compelling in this cold, heavily overcast day in the City of Lights.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Picture of the Week #200 "Arrezzo Stride" Arrezzo, Italy 1989 Signed and Stamped

When I had rented a villa in Loro Cuiffena in Tuscany, I would often bicycle over to Arrezzo for the antique market, and the vitality of that incredible city, as well as lunch in this incredible square. One day when the town was quiet I caught this image. Recently my friend Simon Gales a wonderful artist saw this image on my website and gave it such praise that I had to post it as a Picture of the Week to celebrate the 200th posting. Thank you Simon.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Picture of the Week #199 "Bread" Paris, France 1998 Signed and Stamped

When I first saw these baguettes wrapped and laying side by side, for some unknown and very dark reason I thought of the poor people scrunched together in wooden beds in concentration camps. I don't know why I thought that as I usually see the bright side.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Picture of the Week #198 "Portuguese Fish Mongers" Lisbon, Portugal 1965 Signed and Stamped

Some people might recognize this image as I had made a painting from this photograph when I first began working from photographs back in 1973. I had always had an affection for this picture. A dear friend who happens to be psychologist looked at the painting and thought that they were my family.   It's bizarre as my family were from Russia and these are Portuguese, but he was right there is a resemblance. The woman on the left resembled my Aunt Rose, the woman in the middle my Aunt Mildred, then my mother in the back and grandmother on the end. And the man whose face is obscured by the shadow is my father who I never knew. Maybe that is why they say you always put something of yourself into your work.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Picture of the Week #197 "Lonely Glacier" Valdez, Alaska 1976 Signed and Stamped

While on location filming my second feature film, "Pipe Dreams", I came across this huge hunk of an iceberg that had broken off from nearby Columbia glacier. I incorporated as much as I could into the movie,  but the drama of what we experienced was greatly reduced by recording it on film. There is nothing like a "live" experience, and this one certainly got the juices flowing. At least I have this visual memory.