Monday, February 29, 2016

Picture of the Week #379 "Asleep in the Museum" Leningrad,  Russia 1988  Signed & Stamped

When I was in Russia for the first Soviet / American film interchange I had the opportunity to tour the great museums in Moscow & Leningrad in my spare time. They blew me away. I noticed in most of the major rooms were elderly women sitting forlornly making sure that no one touched the priceless works. Every once in a while I would see the female guards nodding off. I couldn't help but record them.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Picture of the Week # 378 "Ferrari Parade" & Bonus Beverly Hills, CA 2015 Signed & Stamped

There was a Ferrari show on the streets of Beverly Hills last year. Everyone and their mother was taking pictures. I decided to do something with them and therefore I created the top image I call "Ferrari Parade". Then after manipulating the images I came up with the bonus image on the bottom. These are being sold at Mouche Gallery in Beverly Hills if anyone is interested.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Picture of the Week # 377 "Swan Suite" Bel Air, California 2016 Signed & Stamped

Two days ago I decided to walk down my street to the Bel Air Hotel and take pictures of the swans in the small man made lake. It's something I occasionally do. I stood around and snapped and snapped and after about an hour I headed home. Once at my computer I decided to manipulate the image by whitening out the background. The images began to look like drawings as well as photographs. I loved the first one, so I went on to a second and then a third. I emailed them to a designer and she immediately bought them all. It was also Valentine's day and my wife and I had celebrated with a nice bottle of rose' wine and some fabulous cheeses. For dinner we had lobster tails and some more wine. All in all it was one of the best days imaginable.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Picture of the Week # 376 "Handicap? Really? Beverly Hills, California 2016 Signed & Stamped

On my walk through Beverly Hills the other day I noticed this outrageously colored Lamborghini parked at the curb. Then I saw a Handicap sign in the window which I quickly surmised was so that they don't have to put money in the meter. I am sorry to say that I didn't see the driver so I have no idea if they were really handicapped or just beating the parking vig. I'm not sure if this is funny or sad.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Picture of the Week #375 "Changing of the Guard" Monte Carlo, Monaco 1971 Signed & Stamped

No matter how many times I've been to Monte Carlo I am always taken by the Castle where Princess Grace lived. This was taken 10 years before her untimely death in a road accident. I have photographed the Guard and posted it in my Picture of the Week #022 back in 2009. Now I'm up to #375 and thought a different view inside the castle courtyard might be ripe for a new post. So, here it is. Monaco is a very rare place that seems so removed from the rest of the world. I thought about renting an apartment there but there are so many restrictions due to their powerful tax laws as the government earns it's money not from taxes but from the casino and make it very difficult for a foreigner to reside there. From what I understand you have to place 3 Million US dollars into an account and leave it. It draws very little if any interest. Plus rents etc are very high as only the super rich can afford to live there. But it is still a magic kingdom.