Monday, July 27, 2009

Picture of the Week #35 "Shy in Bhutan"

Picture of the Week #35 "Shy in Bhutan" Thimpu Bhutan 2000 Signed and Stamped
When our friends Alberto Lensi and Heidi Eckes took us to Bhutan, we had one of the most fabulous trips of our lives. Most of the people in Bhutan would pose for their picture to be taken, while this group were more camera shy. Perhaps there was more going on in their lives than the National dictum of "Happiness". The then 48 year old King had claimed that what he wanted for his nation was "happiness". And from the expression on most of the faces, he succeeded. This tiny Kingdom in the Himalayas is heaven. A must see for any traveler. The draw back is that they only allow 5,000 people a year in to visit. When we were there there were no traffic lights. No plastic. And virtually no crime. But I had remarkably fast internet connections as the phone lines were only put in ten years before. I'd go back in a second.

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