Sunday, November 7, 2010

Picture of the Week #102 "Hurry"

Picture of the Week #102 "Hurry" Tokyo, Japan 1989 Signed and Stamped

On my trip to Japan for a show I was participating in at the Laforet Museum in the Harajuku prefecture of Tokyo, on my little time off I roamed about taking pictures. I have loved Tokyo since my first time there nine years earlier when I was on my way to China to scout locations and work on the budget of a film that never came to be. This time I was flown First Class by J.A.L. and given a large amount of money for per diem and began an around the world trip that I will always remember. Tokyo, I found to be one of the most sophisticated and extraordinary cities I had ever been to. I love it and want to return. This image summed up the hustle and bustle of a working city. What you don't see is all of the people just outside of the camera frame.

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