Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Picture of the Week #283 "Under Construction" New York City 2014 Signed & Stamped

When we were in New York this week to attend my induction to my Alma Mater James Madison High School's Wall of Distinction, I took one afternoon off and roamed the streets of Manhattan with my camera. I made my way down to the High Line. As I went up the stairs on 30th Street I couldn't help but notice this extraordinary color blast from the construction site across the street. I should probably talk more about the honor that was bestowed on me, but somehow I prefer to talk about my pictures. Although the ceremony and the honor were fabulous. I've now become immortalized as I am on the Wall with 5 Nobel Prize winners, 3 Senators, Judge Judy, Carol King, Ruth Bader Ginsberg and my old pal for 60 years, Sid Ganis.

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