Monday, September 24, 2012

Picture of the Week #200 "Arrezzo Stride" Arrezzo, Italy 1989 Signed and Stamped

When I had rented a villa in Loro Cuiffena in Tuscany, I would often bicycle over to Arrezzo for the antique market, and the vitality of that incredible city, as well as lunch in this incredible square. One day when the town was quiet I caught this image. Recently my friend Simon Gales a wonderful artist saw this image on my website and gave it such praise that I had to post it as a Picture of the Week to celebrate the 200th posting. Thank you Simon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is a fabulous image Stephen; probably because the warm colors of the buildings, the abstract sweeping shadows and the slight old master feel of the piece gives it an arresting value. In some ways although a contemporary photograph, it is one of those rare ones that although unmanipulated, does not look wholly real. It is a work that one can constantly look at and remain transfixed.