Monday, January 19, 2009

Picture of the Week #8 "Jungle Temple - Angkor Wat"

Picture of the Week #8 - January 19, 2009 - "Jungle Temple - Angkor Wat, Siem Reap Cambodia" 2000 This haunting  Jungle Temple was only discovered in 1875. It is said to have been built around the year 1000. At the time there were 1 million people living here. At the same time there were less than 75,000 people living in Paris. For some unknown reason the entire place was abandoned and became overgrown with foliage and trees as you can see here. About 1875 a French botanist was hacking his way through the jungle and came upon this ancient city which had become known only as myth. It is now a World Heritage Sight and a National Park. We were taken here by our good friends Heidi Eckes and Alberto Lensi in 2000 after our excursion through Bhutan. It is truly a magical place and one that ranks up there next to the Pyramids and the Great Wall of China.

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