Sunday, March 13, 2011

Picture of the Week #120 "Let Them Eat Cake"

Picture of the Week #120 "Let Them Eat Cake" Venice, Italy 2011 Signed and Stamped

At this years Carnivale wherever I looked there was another extraordinary outfit. I wondered why someone would go to the enormous trouble of walking around all day and posing for tourists who just shove their little point and shoot cameras in their face. But thankfully they did do it, and I for one took enormous advantage. I became very aggressive in fulfilling my goal of shooting full figure shots for my Life Sized Cut Outs that I plan on exhibiting later in the year. "Marie Antoinette" above was mingling through the hoards in St. Marks Square for days. Luckily, I was smart enough to apply for a Press Pass before I left so I was able to get right on the stage. I was amazed that it was granted as I have absolutely no affiliation with a newspaper or TV station or magazine. I had complete freedom and did not have to be squished in the crowd to get my desired images. The entire event was pure joy, and something I will never forget.

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